
Value Notes
"N" not sent
"Q" queued for processing
"A" ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice) required
"S" send
"R" results received
"E" error


Key Type POST/PUT requests Notes
code string required The numeric ICD-10 code
description string read-only The short description of the ICD-10 code


Value Notes
"REQ" requisition form
"ABN" ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice)
"R-A" requisition form and :abbr:ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice)
"RES" lab results


Value Notes
'P' 'preliminary'
'I' 'pending'
'C' 'correction'
'F' 'final'
'X' 'canceled'


Value Notes
'L' 'low'
'LL' 'alert low'
'H' 'high'
'HH' 'alert high'
'<' 'panic low'
'>' 'panic high'
'A' 'abnormal'
'AA' 'very abnormal'
'S' 'susceptible'
'R' 'resistant'
'I' 'intermediate'
'NEG' 'negative'
'POS' 'positive'
'N' 'normal'
'' 'no comment'