What are your main health concerns?
Health History
Please list any other medical conditions you have.
Are you under the care of a physician for this or other conditions?
Please list any surgeries or major health incidents (accidents, surgeries etc.) in your life:
Please list any prescription medications you take
Please list any prescription or over-the-counter medications you take (includies allergy medicines, ibuprofen, acetaminophen):
Please list any supplements you take along with the brand if you know it.
General Health
Do you eat 3 meals per day?
Do you snack in between meals?
Do you have a bowel movement everyday?
Do you have any digestive discomfort?
If 1 is low and 10 is boundless, how would you rate your energy levels on a daily basis?
If 1 is low and 10 extremely high, how would you rate your general stress level?
How many hours of sleep do you get on average per night?
Do you wake feeling rested?
Do you get headaches?
Do you have any musculoskeletal pain?
Do you have any allergies? (seasonal or food/food sensitivities)?
When is the last time you took antibiotics?
Cycle Information
Age of first period
Date of last period
Number of days between periods (i.e. between the first day of your period until the next period)
Number of days of flow
Color of flow
New Short Text Field
Amount of flow?
Pain and cramping, 1/10, 1 being mild, 10 being severe
Number of children
Number of pregnancies
Dietary Habits-Please indicate the use and frequency of the following:
Recreational drugs
Please indicate if the following pertain to you:
• • •
How would you describe your libido?
Fertility History
How long have you been trying to conceive?
Have you seen any physicians for this issue? Whom?
Has a physician diagnosed a difficulty with fertility due to:
• • •
Other Fertility Difficulties
Partner information (if conceiving with a partner)
Has your partner had a semen analysis? Please include the approximate date if you recall
Were any problems detected?
If so, has your partner sought treatment or any lifestyle changes for the issue?
Has your partner ever gotten someone pregnant?
What medical conditions does your partner have (if any)?