Are two phone numbers in chart
Is the e-mail in chart
Has patient ever cancelled, not showed up for or rescheduled in the past
Is the patient able to transfer them to and from bed and bathroom independently
Does the patient have Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicaid
Oral Appliance Titration. Protocol Needed
Preuthorization Cleared
Oral Appliance Titration Protocol Received from the Dentist Office
If Medicaid - do we have case manager information
If NON-Medicaid - do we have a Credit Card on File
Is there a Sleep Tech Scheduled for the night of test
If this is MSLT/PAP-NAP is there a Day. Sleep Tech Scheduled for that day
Location of MSLT/PAP-NAP is the SAME as Day. Sleep Tech location
Tech: Patient ratio
Indicate Type of Sleep Study in the Scheduling Section
Medicaid Patients - No other Medicaid scheduled for the night
Proper room number assigned
Financial Policy and Instruction e-mailed to the patient
Spent time with patient to explain the financial and no show policy
Non confirmation policy explained
Patient offered to go on Short List
If yes, the Short list was updated
Follow-up appointment in two weeks after the study given to the patient