History of Present Illness
Patient is here for a follow-up
Patient has diabetes
Glucose readings
A1c reading
Compliant with medications
Compliance with diet
Has neuropathy symptoms
Has had a recent eye exam
Has low glucose readings
Has a podiatrist
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Has hypertension
Blood pressure readings
Compliant with medications
Is on low salt diet
Has had the following symptoms
• • •
Reports no symptoms
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Has hyperlipidemia
Compliant with medications
Compliance with diet
Lipids have gone up
Has recent cholesterol labs
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Has Congestive Heart Failure
Compliant with medications
Weigh gain
Has had edema
Has had shortness of breath
Has had the following symptoms
• • •
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Has Chronic Kidney Disease
Patient is followed by a Nephrologist
Patient has had a decrease in urination
Is avoiding nephrotoxic drugs such as NSAIDs.
Patient's creatinine trend
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Impaired fasting glucose
Compliance with diet
Has lost weight.
Following a regular exercise routine
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Compliant with medications
They have no symptoms.
Has the following symptoms
• • •
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Free text field for follow-up
Patient is here for a CPE
Compliant with medications
Patient has been working on diet and exercise
Labs show the followig
• • •
Is up to date on colonoscopy
Is up to date on mammogram
Up to date on pap smear
Is up to date on bone density
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Patient is here for joint injection
Which joint
Diagnosed with
• • •
risk benefits
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Lesion removal
How long has had lesion
Has changed in size or shape
Characteristics of lesion
• • •
Has history of prior skin cancers
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New patient visit
Has had a previous primary care physician
Reviewed past medical records
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Has complaints
Neurologic complaints (HA, seizure, numbness, weakness)
How long have been gong on
location of headache
Intensity of pain out of 10
Nausea or vomiting
Has had prior migraines
Worst headache of life
Stiff neck
Visual changes
Has no neurologic deficits
Free text for headache
Seizure like episode
How long have been gong on
When was last one
How long did episode last
Fall during episode
Loss of conscious
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Episode was witnessed
Witness description
Happened before
Prior neurologist
Episode described as
Free text for seizure
locations of numbness
• • •
How long has been gong on
Constant or intermittent
Effected by position
Weakness with the numbness
Back pain with the numbness
What medication taken for numbness in past?
Free text for numbness
Has had weakness
Location of weakness
• • •
Has had frequent falls
How long have been gong on
Started when
Difficult to get out of chair
Has pain in back or neck
• • •
Active in daily life
Onset gradual or sudden
Free text for weakness
Musculoskeletal (Joint Pain, Back Pain, Muscle Pain)
Joint pain
Joint pain is in
• • •
Intensity of pain out of 10
Started when
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Swelling in joint
Redness of joint
Joint warm
Injury to joint
How long ago was injured
Method of injury
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Getting better with time
Free text for joint pain
Back pain
Started when
Intensity of pain out of 10
Onset gradual or sudden
How long has been gong on
Injury to back
Method of injury
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Getting better with time
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Has numbness in legs
Weakness in the legs
Has radiation of pain down leg
Worse with sitting or standing
Free text for back pain
Muscle pain
Started when
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Intensity of pain out of 10
Injury to muscle.
Method of injury
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Getting better with time
Also has weakness
Gets worse with movement
Free text field for muscle pain
Geriatric issues (memory loss, weight loss, frequent falls)
Memory loss
How long have been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Any long term memory loss
Specific things forgotten
• • •
Still has interest in current events
Name two current events
Has sun downing
Has had hallucinations
Has had signs of an infection
Has shown signs of a stroke
Free text for memory loss
Unexplained weight loss
Period of time that weight loss has occurred
amount lost (just number in pounds)
Appetite normal (if not normal is decreased)
Change in bowel habits
Shown following signs of bowel disease
• • •
Signs of hyperthyroidism
• • •
Patient has history of smoking
Is up to date on all cancer screening
Free text for weight loss
Frequent falls
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Do legs feel weak
Loses balance
Has dizziness
Feel like going to pass out
Uses an assistive device
Free text for frequent falls
Syncope (both true syncope and dizziness)
Dizziness or blacking out
Made worse by moving head
Worse when standing up from sitting
If blacked out was it witnessed
Description from witness
Any heart palpitations
Nausea or vomiting with episodes
Any chest pain
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Ringing in ears
Free text for syncope and dizziness
GU issues (UTI, frequent urination, kidney stones)
How long have been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Burning with urination
Urinary frequency
Has urgency
flank pain
Has had fevers
temperature of fever
Has seen blood in the urine
Free text for UTI
Has frequent urination or urinary incontinence
Sometimes incontinent of urine
When does incontinence occur
• • •
How often urinating during the day
How often urinating at night
Urinating large amount or small amount
Difficult to start a stream
How long has been gong on
Free text for urinary incontinence and frequency
Has a possible kidney stone
Has had flank pain
description of pain
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Intensity of pain out of 10
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Getting better with time
Has seen blood in urine
Has had fevers
Free text field for kidney stones
Pulmonary issues (SOB/dyspnea, COPD, Asthma, chronic cough)
Shortness of breath
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
constant or intermittent
Worse with exertion
Has orthopnea or PND
Peripheral edema
chest pain
prior history of
• • •
Text field for SOB
COPD or asthma
COPD or asthma
They are compliant with their inhalers
How many times in a week using albuterol
night time symptoms
has quit smoking
Recent exacerbations
See's a pulmonologist
Recent PFTs
Free text for COPD or asthma
Chronic cough
How long has been gong on
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Getting better with time
Cough is productive
Has had fevers
Is on an ACE or ARB
Has nasal drainage
Has had shortness of breath
has had GERD symptoms
Free text for chronic cough
Cardiovascular (chest pain, palpitations, swelling)
Chest pain
How long has been going on
Intensity of pain out of 10
description of the pain
Worse with exertion
How long does it last
Associated symptoms
• • •
risk factors
• • •
has known CAD
Pain gets worse with movement
Chest wall tender
Worse with deep inspiration
Free text for chest pain
Palpitations or racing heart beat
How long has been gong on
How long does episode last
Feel lightheaded
Pass out
shortness of breath
chest pain
How often per week
resolve on own
Does this to get it to stop
Free text palpitations
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Any new medications
The new mediation is
Has orthopnea or PND
Any weight gain
How much weight gain in pounds
Has been eating high salt diet
Location of the swelling
• • •
Has been helping it by
• • •
Has helped
Free text for swelling
GI issues (abdominal pain, N/V/D, GERD, blood in stool, dysphagia)
Abdominal pain
How long has been gong on
Intensity of pain out of 10
description of pain
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Onset gradual or sudden
duration of pain
Associated symptoms
• • •
Location of the pain
• • •
Free text field for adominal pain
Patient has had the following symptoms
• • •
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Description of diarrhea
Has blood in diarrhea
Has had fevers
Has had weight loss
Ate from unusual food source
Where ate
Sick contacts
Free text for N/V/D
GERD symptoms
How long has been gong on
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Associated symptoms
• • •
Has had an EGD in the past
How long ago
Eats the following diet
• • •
Has tried
• • •
Free text for GERD
Blood in stool
How long has been gong on
The amount
• • •
The color of the is
Patient has other associated symptoms
• • •
Prior colonoscopy
Free text for blood in stool
Difficulty swallowing what texture
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Has had an EGD in the past
Associated symptoms
• • •
Free text for Dysphagia
Dermatology (rash, skin lesion)
How long has been gong on
Has had fevers
Other family members with rash
Has it changed
No new soaps, detergents, medications, etc.
Has been in contact with
• • •
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Other symptoms
• • •
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Skin lesion
How long has had lesion
Has changed in size or shape
Characteristics of lesion
• • •
Characteristics of lesion
• • •
Has history of prior skin cancers
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HEENT (ear pain, hoarseness, decrease hearing, allergies)
Ear pain
Which ear
How long has been gong on
Intensity of pain out of 10
Onset gradual or sudden
description of pain
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
has other associated symptoms
• • •
Free text field for ear pain
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Getting better with time
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Has had fevers
Has had cough
has a runny nose
sore throat
Has known GERD or symptoms of GERD
History of smoking
Free text for hoarseness
Decrease hearing
Associated symptoms
• • •
Free text for decrease in hearing
How long has been gong on
Onset gradual or sudden
Has had fevers
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
Symptoms consistent with allergies
• • •
Free text for allergies
How long has been gong on
Has had fevers
Has taken over the counter medication
Name or type of medication
Medication has helped
cough is productive or not
runny nose
Stuffy nose
Body aches or chills
Sore throat
sick contacts
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Psychiatric (Depression, anxiety, ADD, insomnia)
How long has been gong on
Symptoms consistentwith depression
• • •
No suicidal or homicidal ideation
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How long has been gong on
Has had panic attacks
Onset gradual or sudden
Any inciting events
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How long has been gong on
Diagnosed previously in the past
Unable to concentrate
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