Substance Use
Consider a typical week during the past month. Please fill in a number for each day of the week indicating the typical number of
drinks you usually consume on that day and the typical number of hours you usually drink on that day.
1 drink = 12 oz. beer
1 drink = 4 oz. wine
1 drink = 1 oz. hard alcohol (regular shot glass)
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Drinks
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
Number of Drinks
Number of Hours
In the past three months, what is the largest amount of alcoholic drinks you have consumed in one day?
How many caffeinated beverages do you drink per day?
Have you ever been treated for alcohol or drug use or abuse?
If yes, for which substances
Have people annoyed you by criticizing you’re drinking or drug use?
Have you ever felt you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use?
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use?
Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?
Do you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use?
If yes, which ones?
Have you ever abused prescription medication?
If yes, which ones and for how long?
Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
If yes, how many packs per day on average?
How many years?
If you smoked in the past, how many years did you smoke and when did you quit?
Pipe, cigars, or chewing tobacco?
How often per day on average?
How many years?
If you used any of these products in the past how many years did you use and when did you quit?
Exercise Level
Do you exercise?
How often?
Aerobic (physical exercise of low to high intensity)?
Anaerobic (weight lifting)?
Athletic Activities (team sports, golf, tennis, and skiing etc.)?
Occupational Level
Current Employment Status
• • •
How long in present position?
Where do you work?
What is/was your occupation?
Have you ever served in the military?
If yes, which branch and when?
Any DHS/ Protective Services Interventions?
If yes, date and cause?
Legal History
Have you ever been arrested?
Do you have any pending legal problems?
Are you a convicted felon?
Are you a registered sex offender?
Spiritual Life
How long have you regularly attended Crossings?
Please indicate activities in which you are involved?
• • •
Please explain
What other ministry opportunities do you participate in at Crossings?
If yes, what is the level of your involvement?
Do you find your involvement helpful during this time, or doesthe involvement make things more difficult or stressful for you?
Describe if possible
Describe your personal spiritual practices
Is there anything else about your life that you would like us to know?