Person completing form:
• • •
If other, please specify:
Patient's age, as of today:
School Attendance Regular?
Grade in school (next grade if school is over for the year)
Interpreter Needed? (Defaulted to No)
If yes, what language?
1. Do you drink or eat 3 servings of calcium-rich foods daily, such as milk, cheese, yogurt?
2. Do you eat fruits and vegetables at least 2 times per day?
3. Do you eat high fat foods, such as fried foods, chips, ice cream, or pizza more than once per week?
4. Do you drink more than 1 soda can per day of juice, sports/energy, or sweetened coffee drink?
***Clinician Use Only*** Nutritional Guidance:
• • •
Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
Leave "On" - Nutrition codes dropped
5. Do you exercise or play sports most days of the week?
6. Are you concerned about your weight?
7. Do you watch TV or play video games less than 2 hours per day?
***Clinician Use Only*** Physical Activity Guidance:
• • •
Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
Leave "On" - Physical Activity code dropped
8. Does your home have a working smoke detector?
9. Does your home have the phone number of the Poison Control Center (800-222-1222) posted by your phone?
10. Do you always wear a seatbelt when riding in a car?
11. Do you spend time in a home where a gun is kept?
12. Do you spend time with anyone who carries a gun, knife, or other weapon?
13. Do you always wear a helmet when riding a bike, skateboard, or scooter?
14. Have you ever witnessed abuse or violence?
15. Have you been hit, slapped, kicked, or physically hurt by someone (or have you hurt someone) in the past year?
16. Have you ever been bullied or felt unsafe at school or in your neighborhood (or been cyber-bullied)?
***Clinician Use Only*** Safety Guidance:
• • •
Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
17. Do you brush and floss your teeth daily?
***Clinician Use Only*** Dental Guidance:
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Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
18. Do you often feel sad, down, or hopeless?
18a. Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things?
If patient answers yes to either question, do PHQ-9
TURN ON for PHQ-9 (or proceed to ***For Clinician Use Only***
1. Feeling down, depressed, irritable, or hopeless?
2. Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
3. Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
4. Feeling tired, or having little energy?
5. Poor appetite or overeating
6. Feeling bad about yourself – or feeling that you are a failure, or that you have let yourself or your family down?
7. Trouble concentrating on things like school work, reading, or watching TV?
8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could notice or being fidgety or restless
9. Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself
Does the patient have at least 5 of the 9 symptoms above?
Add numbers in ( ) for PHQ9 Total Score
PHQ-9 Score:
Depression Severity Results
***Clinician Use Only*** Mental Health Guidance:
• • •
Depression Screening Status
Clinician Note:
19. Do you spend time with anyone who smokes?
20. Do you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco?
21. Do you use or sniff any substance to get high, such as marijuana, cocaine, crack, Methamphetamine (meth), ecstasy, etc.?
22. Do you use medicines not prescribed for you?
23. Do you drink alcohol once a week or more?
24. If you drink alcohol, do you drink enough to get drunk or pass out?
25. Do you have friends or family members who have a problem with drugs or alcohol?
26. Do you drive a car after drinking, or ride in a car driven by someone who has been drinking or using drugs?
***Clinician Use Only*** Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Guidance:
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Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
Answers about sex and family planning cannot be shared with anyone, including your parents, without your permission.
27. Have you ever been forced or pressured to have sex?
28. Have you ever had sex (oral, vaginal, or anal)? If no, skip to question 35.
29. Do you think you or your partner could have a sexually transmitted infection, such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, genital warts?
30. Have you or your partner(s) had sex with other people in the past year?
31. Have you or your partner(s) had sex without using birth control in the past year?
32. The last time you had sex, did you use birth control?
33. Have you or your partner(s) had sex without a condom in the past year?
34. Did you or your partner use a condom the last time you had sex?
35a. Do you have any questions about your sexual orientation (who you are attracted to)?
35b. Do you have any questions about your gender identity (how you feel as a boy, girl, other gender)?
***Clinician Use Only*** Sexual Issues Guidance:
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Clinician Note (include if pt. refused to answer):
36. Do you have any other questions or concerns about your health?
If yes, please describe: