Client Name:
Step 1: Warning Signs:
List warning signs that show the client is or might be experiencing suicidal ideation (SI).
Step 2: Internal Coping Strategies - Things I Can Do to Take My Mind Off My Problems Without Contacting Another Person:
List internal coping strategies spelled out by the client that might help them cope with SI or other issues.
Step 3: People and Social Settings That Provide Distraction:
List people and social settings that help distract the client from their problems.
1. Name/Contact:
2. Name/Contact:
3. Place:
4. Place:
Step 4: People Whom I Can Ask For Help During a Crisis
List anyone the client would find helpful during a crisis as well as their phone numbers.
Person #1 (Name and Phone Number)
Person #2 (Name and Phone Number)
Person #3 (Name and Phone Number)
Step 5: Professionals or Agencies I Can Contact During a Crisis
List different people the client can contact during an emergency.
Mental Health Crisis Centers (Colorado)
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Mental Health Crisis Centers (Texas)
• • •
Mental Health Crisis Hotlines
• • •
1. Clinician/Agency Name, Phone Number, and Emergency Contact There:
2. Clinician/Agency Name, Phone Number, and Emergency Contact There:
Local Emergency Department (Including Address and Phone Number):
Step 6: Making The Environment Safer (Plan for Lethal Means Safety):
List two different ways the client can ensure safety in their environment physically, emotionally, etc.