Medical Billing Code Search
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75106 results found
H47.091 | Other disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified, right eye |
H47.092 | Other disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified, left eye |
H47.093 | Other disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified, bilateral |
H47.099 | Other disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified, unspecified eye |
H47.10 | Unspecified papilledema |
H47.11 | Papilledema associated with increased intracranial pressure |
H47.12 | Papilledema associated with decreased ocular pressure |
H47.13 | Papilledema associated with retinal disorder |
H47.141 | Foster-Kennedy syndrome, right eye |
H47.142 | Foster-Kennedy syndrome, left eye |
H47.143 | Foster-Kennedy syndrome, bilateral |
H47.149 | Foster-Kennedy syndrome, unspecified eye |
H47.20 | Unspecified optic atrophy |
H47.211 | Primary optic atrophy, right eye |
H47.212 | Primary optic atrophy, left eye |
H47.213 | Primary optic atrophy, bilateral |
H47.219 | Primary optic atrophy, unspecified eye |
H47.22 |
Hereditary optic atrophy
Includes: Leber's optic atrophy |
H47.231 | Glaucomatous optic atrophy, right eye |
H47.232 | Glaucomatous optic atrophy, left eye |
H47.233 | Glaucomatous optic atrophy, bilateral |
H47.239 | Glaucomatous optic atrophy, unspecified eye |
H47.291 | Other optic atrophy, right eye |
H47.292 | Other optic atrophy, left eye |
H47.293 | Other optic atrophy, bilateral |
H47.299 | Other optic atrophy, unspecified eye |
H47.311 | Coloboma of optic disc, right eye |
H47.312 | Coloboma of optic disc, left eye |
H47.313 | Coloboma of optic disc, bilateral |
H47.319 | Coloboma of optic disc, unspecified eye |
H47.321 | Drusen of optic disc, right eye |
H47.322 | Drusen of optic disc, left eye |
H47.323 | Drusen of optic disc, bilateral |
H47.329 | Drusen of optic disc, unspecified eye |
H47.331 | Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, right eye |
H47.332 | Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, left eye |
H47.333 | Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, bilateral |
H47.339 | Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, unspecified eye |
H47.391 | Other disorders of optic disc, right eye |
H47.392 | Other disorders of optic disc, left eye |
H47.393 | Other disorders of optic disc, bilateral |
H47.399 | Other disorders of optic disc, unspecified eye |
H47.41 | Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) inflammatory disorders |
H47.42 | Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) neoplasm |
H47.43 | Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) vascular disorders |
H47.49 | Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) other disorders |
H47.511 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) inflammatory disorders, right side |
H47.512 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) inflammatory disorders, left side |
H47.519 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) inflammatory disorders, unspecified side |
H47.521 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) neoplasm, right side |
H47.522 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) neoplasm, left side |
H47.529 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) neoplasm, unspecified side |
H47.531 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) vascular disorders, right side |
H47.532 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) vascular disorders, left side |
H47.539 | Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) vascular disorders, unspecified side |
H47.611 | Cortical blindness, right side of brain |
H47.612 | Cortical blindness, left side of brain |
H47.619 | Cortical blindness, unspecified side of brain |
H47.621 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) inflammatory disorders, right side of brain |
H47.622 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) inflammatory disorders, left side of brain |
H47.629 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) inflammatory disorders, unspecified side of brain |
H47.631 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm, right side of brain |
H47.632 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm, left side of brain |
H47.639 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm, unspecified side of brain |
H47.641 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) vascular disorders, right side of brain |
H47.642 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) vascular disorders, left side of brain |
H47.649 | Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) vascular disorders, unspecified side of brain |
H47.9 | Unspecified disorder of visual pathways |
H49.00 | Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, unspecified eye |
H49.01 | Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, right eye |
H49.02 | Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, left eye |
H49.03 | Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, bilateral |
H49.10 | Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, unspecified eye |
H49.11 | Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, right eye |
H49.12 | Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, left eye |
H49.13 | Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, bilateral |
H49.20 | Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, unspecified eye |
H49.21 | Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, right eye |
H49.22 | Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, left eye |
H49.23 | Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, bilateral |
H49.30 | Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, unspecified eye |
H49.31 | Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, right eye |
H49.32 | Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, left eye |
H49.33 | Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, bilateral |
H49.40 | Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, unspecified eye |
H49.41 | Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, right eye |
H49.42 | Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, left eye |
H49.43 | Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, bilateral |
H49.811 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome, right eye |
H49.812 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome, left eye |
H49.813 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome, bilateral |
H49.819 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome, unspecified eye |
H49.881 | Other paralytic strabismus, right eye |
H49.882 | Other paralytic strabismus, left eye |
H49.883 | Other paralytic strabismus, bilateral |
H49.889 | Other paralytic strabismus, unspecified eye |
H49.9 | Unspecified paralytic strabismus |
H50.00 | Unspecified esotropia |
H50.011 | Monocular esotropia, right eye |
H50.012 | Monocular esotropia, left eye |
H50.021 | Monocular esotropia with A pattern, right eye |
H50.022 | Monocular esotropia with A pattern, left eye |
H50.031 | Monocular esotropia with V pattern, right eye |
H50.032 | Monocular esotropia with V pattern, left eye |
H50.041 | Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies, right eye |
H50.042 | Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies, left eye |
H50.05 | Alternating esotropia |
H50.06 | Alternating esotropia with A pattern |
H50.07 | Alternating esotropia with V pattern |
H50.08 | Alternating esotropia with other noncomitancies |
H50.10 | Unspecified exotropia |
H50.111 | Monocular exotropia, right eye |
H50.112 | Monocular exotropia, left eye |
H50.121 | Monocular exotropia with A pattern, right eye |
H50.122 | Monocular exotropia with A pattern, left eye |
H50.131 | Monocular exotropia with V pattern, right eye |
H50.132 | Monocular exotropia with V pattern, left eye |
H50.141 | Monocular exotropia with other noncomitancies, right eye |
H50.142 | Monocular exotropia with other noncomitancies, left eye |
H50.15 | Alternating exotropia |
H50.16 | Alternating exotropia with A pattern |
H50.17 | Alternating exotropia with V pattern |
H50.18 | Alternating exotropia with other noncomitancies |
H50.21 | Vertical strabismus, right eye |
H50.22 | Vertical strabismus, left eye |
H50.30 | Unspecified intermittent heterotropia |
H50.311 | Intermittent monocular esotropia, right eye |
H50.312 | Intermittent monocular esotropia, left eye |
H50.32 | Intermittent alternating esotropia |
H50.331 | Intermittent monocular exotropia, right eye |
H50.332 | Intermittent monocular exotropia, left eye |
H50.34 | Intermittent alternating exotropia |
H50.40 | Unspecified heterotropia |
H50.411 | Cyclotropia, right eye |
H50.412 | Cyclotropia, left eye |
H50.42 | Monofixation syndrome |
H50.43 | Accommodative component in esotropia |
H50.50 | Unspecified heterophoria |
H50.51 | Esophoria |
H50.52 | Exophoria |
H50.53 | Vertical heterophoria |
H50.54 | Cyclophoria |
H50.55 | Alternating heterophoria |
H50.60 | Mechanical strabismus, unspecified |
H50.611 | Brown's sheath syndrome, right eye |
H50.612 | Brown's sheath syndrome, left eye |
H50.69 |
Other mechanical strabismus
Includes: Strabismus due to adhesions Traumatic limitation of duction of eye muscle |
H50.811 | Duane's syndrome, right eye |
H50.812 | Duane's syndrome, left eye |
H50.89 | Other specified strabismus |
H50.9 | Unspecified strabismus |
H51.0 | Palsy (spasm) of conjugate gaze |
H51.11 | Convergence insufficiency |
H51.12 | Convergence excess |
H51.20 | Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, unspecified eye |
H51.21 | Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, right eye |
H51.22 | Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, left eye |
H51.23 | Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, bilateral |
H51.8 | Other specified disorders of binocular movement |
H51.9 | Unspecified disorder of binocular movement |
H52.00 | Hypermetropia, unspecified eye |
H52.01 | Hypermetropia, right eye |
H52.02 | Hypermetropia, left eye |
H52.03 | Hypermetropia, bilateral |
H52.10 | Myopia, unspecified eye |
H52.11 | Myopia, right eye |
H52.12 | Myopia, left eye |
H52.13 | Myopia, bilateral |
H52.201 | Unspecified astigmatism, right eye |
H52.202 | Unspecified astigmatism, left eye |
H52.203 | Unspecified astigmatism, bilateral |
H52.209 | Unspecified astigmatism, unspecified eye |
H52.211 | Irregular astigmatism, right eye |
H52.212 | Irregular astigmatism, left eye |
H52.213 | Irregular astigmatism, bilateral |
H52.219 | Irregular astigmatism, unspecified eye |
H52.221 | Regular astigmatism, right eye |
H52.222 | Regular astigmatism, left eye |
H52.223 | Regular astigmatism, bilateral |
H52.229 | Regular astigmatism, unspecified eye |
H52.31 | Anisometropia |
H52.32 | Aniseikonia |
H52.4 | Presbyopia |
H52.511 | Internal ophthalmoplegia (complete) (total), right eye |
H52.512 | Internal ophthalmoplegia (complete) (total), left eye |
H52.513 | Internal ophthalmoplegia (complete) (total), bilateral |
H52.519 | Internal ophthalmoplegia (complete) (total), unspecified eye |
H52.521 | Paresis of accommodation, right eye |
H52.522 | Paresis of accommodation, left eye |
H52.523 | Paresis of accommodation, bilateral |
H52.529 | Paresis of accommodation, unspecified eye |
H52.531 | Spasm of accommodation, right eye |
H52.532 | Spasm of accommodation, left eye |
H52.533 | Spasm of accommodation, bilateral |
H52.539 | Spasm of accommodation, unspecified eye |
H52.6 | Other disorders of refraction |
H52.7 | Unspecified disorder of refraction |
H53.001 | Unspecified amblyopia, right eye |
H53.002 | Unspecified amblyopia, left eye |
H53.003 | Unspecified amblyopia, bilateral |
H53.009 | Unspecified amblyopia, unspecified eye |
H53.011 | Deprivation amblyopia, right eye |
H53.012 | Deprivation amblyopia, left eye |
H53.013 | Deprivation amblyopia, bilateral |
H53.019 | Deprivation amblyopia, unspecified eye |
H53.021 | Refractive amblyopia, right eye |
H53.022 | Refractive amblyopia, left eye |
H53.023 | Refractive amblyopia, bilateral |
H53.029 | Refractive amblyopia, unspecified eye |
H53.031 | Strabismic amblyopia, right eye |
H53.032 | Strabismic amblyopia, left eye |
H53.033 | Strabismic amblyopia, bilateral |
H53.039 | Strabismic amblyopia, unspecified eye |
H53.041 | Amblyopia suspect, right eye |
H53.042 | Amblyopia suspect, left eye |
H53.043 | Amblyopia suspect, bilateral |
H53.049 | Amblyopia suspect, unspecified eye |
H53.10 | Unspecified subjective visual disturbances |
H53.11 |
Day blindness
Includes: Hemeralopia |
H53.121 | Transient visual loss, right eye |
H53.122 | Transient visual loss, left eye |
H53.123 | Transient visual loss, bilateral |
H53.129 | Transient visual loss, unspecified eye |
H53.131 | Sudden visual loss, right eye |
H53.132 | Sudden visual loss, left eye |
H53.133 | Sudden visual loss, bilateral |
H53.139 | Sudden visual loss, unspecified eye |
H53.141 | Visual discomfort, right eye |
H53.142 | Visual discomfort, left eye |
H53.143 | Visual discomfort, bilateral |
H53.149 | Visual discomfort, unspecified |
H53.15 |
Visual distortions of shape and size
Includes: Metamorphopsia |
H53.16 | Psychophysical visual disturbances |
H53.19 |
Other subjective visual disturbances
Includes: Visual halos |
H53.2 |
Includes: Double vision |
H53.30 | Unspecified disorder of binocular vision |
H53.31 | Abnormal retinal correspondence |
H53.32 | Fusion with defective stereopsis |
H53.33 | Simultaneous visual perception without fusion |
H53.34 | Suppression of binocular vision |
H53.40 | Unspecified visual field defects |
H53.411 | Scotoma involving central area, right eye |
H53.412 | Scotoma involving central area, left eye |
H53.413 | Scotoma involving central area, bilateral |
H53.419 | Scotoma involving central area, unspecified eye |
H53.421 | Scotoma of blind spot area, right eye |
H53.422 | Scotoma of blind spot area, left eye |
H53.423 | Scotoma of blind spot area, bilateral |
H53.429 | Scotoma of blind spot area, unspecified eye |
H53.431 | Sector or arcuate defects, right eye |
H53.432 | Sector or arcuate defects, left eye |
H53.433 | Sector or arcuate defects, bilateral |
H53.439 | Sector or arcuate defects, unspecified eye |
H53.451 | Other localized visual field defect, right eye |
H53.452 | Other localized visual field defect, left eye |
H53.453 | Other localized visual field defect, bilateral |
H53.459 | Other localized visual field defect, unspecified eye |
H53.461 | Homonymous bilateral field defects, right side |
H53.462 | Homonymous bilateral field defects, left side |
H53.469 |
Homonymous bilateral field defects, unspecified side
Includes: Homonymous bilateral field defects NOS |
H53.47 |
Heteronymous bilateral field defects
Includes: Heteronymous hemianop(s)ia |
H53.481 | Generalized contraction of visual field, right eye |
H53.482 | Generalized contraction of visual field, left eye |
H53.483 | Generalized contraction of visual field, bilateral |
H53.489 | Generalized contraction of visual field, unspecified eye |
H53.50 |
Unspecified color vision deficiencies
Includes: Color blindness NOS |
H53.51 | Achromatopsia |
H53.52 | Acquired color vision deficiency |
H53.53 |
Includes: Deuteranopia |
H53.54 |
Includes: Protanopia |
H53.55 |
Includes: Tritanopia |
H53.59 | Other color vision deficiencies |
H53.60 | Unspecified night blindness |
H53.61 | Abnormal dark adaptation curve |
H53.62 | Acquired night blindness |
H53.63 | Congenital night blindness |
H53.69 | Other night blindness |
H53.71 | Glare sensitivity |
H53.72 | Impaired contrast sensitivity |
H53.8 | Other visual disturbances |
H53.9 | Unspecified visual disturbance |
H54.0X33 | Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 3 |
H54.0X34 | Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 4 |
H54.0X35 | Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 5 |
H54.0X43 | Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 3 |
H54.0X44 | Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 4 |
H54.0X45 | Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 5 |
H54.0X53 | Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 3 |
H54.0X54 | Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 4 |
H54.0X55 | Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 5 |
H54.10 | Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye, unspecified eyes |
H54.1131 | Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 1 |
H54.1132 | Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 2 |
H54.1141 | Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 1 |
H54.1142 | Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 2 |
H54.1151 | Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 1 |
H54.1152 | Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 2 |
H54.1213 | Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 3 |
H54.1214 | Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 4 |
H54.1215 | Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 5 |
H54.1223 | Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 3 |
H54.1224 | Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 4 |
H54.1225 | Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 5 |
H54.2X11 | Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 1 |
H54.2X12 | Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 2 |
H54.2X21 | Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 1 |
H54.2X22 | Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 2 |
H54.3 |
Unqualified visual loss, both eyes
Includes: Visual impairment category 9 in both eyes. |
H54.40 | Blindness, one eye, unspecified eye |
H54.413A | Blindness right eye category 3, normal vision left eye |
H54.414A | Blindness right eye category 4, normal vision left eye |
H54.415A | Blindness right eye category 5, normal vision left eye |
H54.42A3 | Blindness left eye category 3, normal vision right eye |
H54.42A4 | Blindness left eye category 4, normal vision right eye |
H54.42A5 | Blindness left eye category 5, normal vision right eye |
H54.50 | Low vision, one eye, unspecified eye |
H54.511A | Low vision right eye category 1, normal vision left eye |
H54.512A | Low vision right eye category 2, normal vision left eye |
H54.52A1 | Low vision left eye category 1, normal vision right eye |
H54.52A2 | Low vision left eye category 2, normal vision right eye |
H54.60 | Unqualified visual loss, one eye, unspecified |
H54.61 | Unqualified visual loss, right eye, normal vision left eye |
H54.62 | Unqualified visual loss, left eye, normal vision right eye |
H54.7 |
Unspecified visual loss
Includes: Visual impairment category 9 NOS |
H54.8 |
Legal blindness, as defined in USA
Includes: Blindness NOS according to USA definition Excludes 1: legal blindness with specification of impairment level (H54.0-H54.7) |
H55.00 | Unspecified nystagmus |
H55.01 | Congenital nystagmus |
H55.02 | Latent nystagmus |
H55.03 | Visual deprivation nystagmus |
H55.04 | Dissociated nystagmus |
H55.09 | Other forms of nystagmus |
H55.81 | Deficient saccadic eye movements |
H55.82 | Deficient smooth pursuit eye movements |
H55.89 | Other irregular eye movements |
H57.00 | Unspecified anomaly of pupillary function |
H57.01 |
Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical
Excludes 1: syphilitic Argyll Robertson pupil (A52.19) |
H57.02 | Anisocoria |
H57.03 | Miosis |
H57.04 | Mydriasis |
H57.051 | Tonic pupil, right eye |
H57.052 | Tonic pupil, left eye |
H57.053 | Tonic pupil, bilateral |
H57.059 | Tonic pupil, unspecified eye |
H57.09 | Other anomalies of pupillary function |
H57.10 | Ocular pain, unspecified eye |
H57.11 | Ocular pain, right eye |
H57.12 | Ocular pain, left eye |
H57.13 | Ocular pain, bilateral |
H57.811 | Brow ptosis, right |
H57.812 | Brow ptosis, left |
H57.813 | Brow ptosis, bilateral |
H57.819 | Brow ptosis, unspecified |
H57.89 | Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa |
H57.9 | Unspecified disorder of eye and adnexa |
H59.011 | Keratopathy (bullous aphakic) following cataract surgery, right eye |
H59.012 | Keratopathy (bullous aphakic) following cataract surgery, left eye |
H59.013 | Keratopathy (bullous aphakic) following cataract surgery, bilateral |
H59.019 | Keratopathy (bullous aphakic) following cataract surgery, unspecified eye |
H59.021 | Cataract (lens) fragments in eye following cataract surgery, right eye |
H59.022 | Cataract (lens) fragments in eye following cataract surgery, left eye |
H59.023 | Cataract (lens) fragments in eye following cataract surgery, bilateral |
H59.029 | Cataract (lens) fragments in eye following cataract surgery, unspecified eye |
H59.031 | Cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery, right eye |
H59.032 | Cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery, left eye |
H59.033 | Cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery, bilateral |
H59.039 | Cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery, unspecified eye |
H59.091 | Other disorders of the right eye following cataract surgery |
H59.092 | Other disorders of the left eye following cataract surgery |
H59.093 | Other disorders of the eye following cataract surgery, bilateral |
H59.099 | Other disorders of unspecified eye following cataract surgery |
H59.111 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of right eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.112 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of left eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.113 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.119 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of unspecified eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.121 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of right eye and adnexa complicating other procedure |
H59.122 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of left eye and adnexa complicating other procedure |
H59.123 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of eye and adnexa complicating other procedure, bilateral |
H59.129 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of unspecified eye and adnexa complicating other procedure |
H59.211 | Accidental puncture and laceration of right eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.212 | Accidental puncture and laceration of left eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.213 | Accidental puncture and laceration of eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.219 | Accidental puncture and laceration of unspecified eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.221 | Accidental puncture and laceration of right eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H59.222 | Accidental puncture and laceration of left eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H59.223 | Accidental puncture and laceration of eye and adnexa during other procedure, bilateral |
H59.229 | Accidental puncture and laceration of unspecified eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H59.311 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.312 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.313 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.319 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of unspecified eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.321 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.322 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.323 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral |
H59.329 | Postprocedural hemorrhage of unspecified eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.331 | Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.332 | Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.333 | Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.339 | Postprocedural hematoma of unspecified eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.341 | Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.342 | Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.343 | Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral |
H59.349 | Postprocedural hematoma of unspecified eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.351 | Postprocedural seroma of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.352 | Postprocedural seroma of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.353 | Postprocedural seroma of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.359 | Postprocedural seroma of unspecified eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.361 | Postprocedural seroma of right eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.362 | Postprocedural seroma of left eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.363 | Postprocedural seroma of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral |
H59.369 | Postprocedural seroma of unspecified eye and adnexa following other procedure |
H59.40 | Inflammation (infection) of postprocedural bleb, unspecified |
H59.41 | Inflammation (infection) of postprocedural bleb, stage 1 |
H59.42 | Inflammation (infection) of postprocedural bleb, stage 2 |
H59.43 |
Inflammation (infection) of postprocedural bleb, stage 3
Includes: Bleb endophthalmitis |
H59.811 | Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment, right eye |
H59.812 | Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment, left eye |
H59.813 | Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment, bilateral |
H59.819 | Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment, unspecified eye |
H59.88 | Other intraoperative complications of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified |
H59.89 | Other postprocedural complications and disorders of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified |
H60.00 | Abscess of external ear, unspecified ear |
H60.01 | Abscess of right external ear |
H60.02 | Abscess of left external ear |
H60.03 | Abscess of external ear, bilateral |
H60.10 | Cellulitis of external ear, unspecified ear |
H60.11 | Cellulitis of right external ear |
H60.12 | Cellulitis of left external ear |
H60.13 | Cellulitis of external ear, bilateral |
H60.20 | Malignant otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.21 | Malignant otitis externa, right ear |
H60.22 | Malignant otitis externa, left ear |
H60.23 | Malignant otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.311 | Diffuse otitis externa, right ear |
H60.312 | Diffuse otitis externa, left ear |
H60.313 | Diffuse otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.319 | Diffuse otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.321 | Hemorrhagic otitis externa, right ear |
H60.322 | Hemorrhagic otitis externa, left ear |
H60.323 | Hemorrhagic otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.329 | Hemorrhagic otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.331 | Swimmer's ear, right ear |
H60.332 | Swimmer's ear, left ear |
H60.333 | Swimmer's ear, bilateral |
H60.339 | Swimmer's ear, unspecified ear |
H60.391 | Other infective otitis externa, right ear |
H60.392 | Other infective otitis externa, left ear |
H60.393 | Other infective otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.399 | Other infective otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.40 | Cholesteatoma of external ear, unspecified ear |
H60.41 | Cholesteatoma of right external ear |
H60.42 | Cholesteatoma of left external ear |
H60.43 | Cholesteatoma of external ear, bilateral |
H60.501 | Unspecified acute noninfective otitis externa, right ear |
H60.502 | Unspecified acute noninfective otitis externa, left ear |
H60.503 | Unspecified acute noninfective otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.509 | Unspecified acute noninfective otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.511 | Acute actinic otitis externa, right ear |
H60.512 | Acute actinic otitis externa, left ear |
H60.513 | Acute actinic otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.519 | Acute actinic otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.521 | Acute chemical otitis externa, right ear |
H60.522 | Acute chemical otitis externa, left ear |
H60.523 | Acute chemical otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.529 | Acute chemical otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.531 | Acute contact otitis externa, right ear |
H60.532 | Acute contact otitis externa, left ear |
H60.533 | Acute contact otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.539 | Acute contact otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.541 | Acute eczematoid otitis externa, right ear |
H60.542 | Acute eczematoid otitis externa, left ear |
H60.543 | Acute eczematoid otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.549 | Acute eczematoid otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.551 | Acute reactive otitis externa, right ear |
H60.552 | Acute reactive otitis externa, left ear |
H60.553 | Acute reactive otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.559 | Acute reactive otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.591 | Other noninfective acute otitis externa, right ear |
H60.592 | Other noninfective acute otitis externa, left ear |
H60.593 | Other noninfective acute otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.599 | Other noninfective acute otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.60 | Unspecified chronic otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.61 | Unspecified chronic otitis externa, right ear |
H60.62 | Unspecified chronic otitis externa, left ear |
H60.63 | Unspecified chronic otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.8X1 | Other otitis externa, right ear |
H60.8X2 | Other otitis externa, left ear |
H60.8X3 | Other otitis externa, bilateral |
H60.8X9 | Other otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.90 | Unspecified otitis externa, unspecified ear |
H60.91 | Unspecified otitis externa, right ear |
H60.92 | Unspecified otitis externa, left ear |
H60.93 | Unspecified otitis externa, bilateral |
H61.001 | Unspecified perichondritis of right external ear |
H61.002 | Unspecified perichondritis of left external ear |
H61.003 | Unspecified perichondritis of external ear, bilateral |
H61.009 | Unspecified perichondritis of external ear, unspecified ear |
H61.011 | Acute perichondritis of right external ear |
H61.012 | Acute perichondritis of left external ear |
H61.013 | Acute perichondritis of external ear, bilateral |
H61.019 | Acute perichondritis of external ear, unspecified ear |