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75106 results found
A05.2 |
Foodborne Clostridium perfringens [Clostridium welchii] intoxication
Includes: Enteritis necroticans Pig-bel |
A05.3 | Foodborne Vibrio parahaemolyticus intoxication |
A05.4 | Foodborne Bacillus cereus intoxication |
A05.5 | Foodborne Vibrio vulnificus intoxication |
A05.8 | Other specified bacterial foodborne intoxications |
A05.9 | Bacterial foodborne intoxication, unspecified |
A06.0 |
Acute amebic dysentery
Includes: Acute amebiasis Intestinal amebiasis NOS |
A06.1 | Chronic intestinal amebiasis |
A06.2 | Amebic nondysenteric colitis |
A06.3 |
Ameboma of intestine
Includes: Ameboma NOS |
A06.4 |
Amebic liver abscess
Includes: Hepatic amebiasis |
A06.5 |
Amebic lung abscess
Includes: Amebic abscess of lung (and liver) |
A06.6 |
Amebic brain abscess
Includes: Amebic abscess of brain (and liver) (and lung) |
A06.7 | Cutaneous amebiasis |
A06.81 | Amebic cystitis |
A06.82 |
Other amebic genitourinary infections
Includes: Amebic balanitis Amebic vesiculitis Amebic vulvovaginitis |
A06.89 |
Other amebic infections
Includes: Amebic appendicitis Amebic splenic abscess |
A06.9 | Amebiasis, unspecified |
A07.0 |
Includes: Balantidial dysentery |
A07.1 | Giardiasis [lambliasis] |
A07.2 | Cryptosporidiosis |
A07.3 |
Includes: Infection due to Isospora belli and Isospora hominis Intestinal coccidiosis Isosporosis |
A07.4 | Cyclosporiasis |
A07.8 |
Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases
Includes: Intestinal microsporidiosis Intestinal trichomoniasis Sarcocystosis Sarcosporidiosis |
A07.9 |
Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified
Includes: Flagellate diarrhea Protozoal colitis Protozoal diarrhea Protozoal dysentery |
A08.0 | Rotaviral enteritis |
A08.11 |
Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent
Includes: Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norovirus Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk-like agent |
A08.19 |
Acute gastroenteropathy due to other small round viruses
Includes: Acute gastroenteropathy due to small round virus [SRV] NOS |
A08.2 | Adenoviral enteritis |
A08.31 | Calicivirus enteritis |
A08.32 | Astrovirus enteritis |
A08.39 |
Other viral enteritis
Includes: Coxsackie virus enteritis Echovirus enteritis Enterovirus enteritis NEC Torovirus enteritis |
A08.4 |
Viral intestinal infection, unspecified
Includes: Viral enteritis NOS Viral gastroenteritis NOS Viral gastroenteropathy NOS |
A08.8 | Other specified intestinal infections |
A09 |
Infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified
Includes: Infectious colitis NOS Infectious enteritis NOS Infectious gastroenteritis NOS Excludes 1: colitis NOS (K52.9) diarrhea NOS (R19.7) enteritis NOS (K52.9) gastroenteritis NOS (K52.9) noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified (K52.9) |
A15.0 |
Tuberculosis of lung
Includes: Tuberculous bronchiectasis Tuberculous fibrosis of lung Tuberculous pneumonia Tuberculous pneumothorax |
A15.4 |
Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
Includes: Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes Excludes 1: tuberculosis specified as primary (A15.7) |
A15.5 |
Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
Includes: Tuberculosis of bronchus Tuberculosis of glottis Tuberculosis of larynx Tuberculosis of trachea |
A15.6 |
Tuberculous pleurisy
Includes: Tuberculosis of pleura Tuberculous empyema Excludes 1: primary respiratory tuberculosis (A15.7) |
A15.7 | Primary respiratory tuberculosis |
A15.8 |
Other respiratory tuberculosis
Includes: Mediastinal tuberculosis Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis Tuberculosis of nose Tuberculosis of sinus [any nasal] |
A15.9 | Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified |
A17.0 |
Tuberculous meningitis
Includes: Tuberculosis of meninges (cerebral)(spinal) Tuberculous leptomeningitis Excludes 1: tuberculous meningoencephalitis (A17.82) |
A17.1 |
Meningeal tuberculoma
Includes: Tuberculoma of meninges (cerebral) (spinal) Excludes 2: tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord (A17.81) |
A17.81 |
Tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord
Includes: Tuberculous abscess of brain and spinal cord |
A17.82 |
Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
Includes: Tuberculous myelitis |
A17.83 |
Tuberculous neuritis
Includes: Tuberculous mononeuropathy |
A17.89 |
Other tuberculosis of nervous system
Includes: Tuberculous polyneuropathy |
A17.9 | Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified |
A18.01 |
Tuberculosis of spine
Includes: Pott's disease or curvature of spine Tuberculous arthritis Tuberculous osteomyelitis of spine Tuberculous spondylitis |
A18.02 |
Tuberculous arthritis of other joints
Includes: Tuberculosis of hip (joint) Tuberculosis of knee (joint) |
A18.03 |
Tuberculosis of other bones
Includes: Tuberculous mastoiditis Tuberculous osteomyelitis |
A18.09 |
Other musculoskeletal tuberculosis
Includes: Tuberculous myositis Tuberculous synovitis Tuberculous tenosynovitis |
A18.10 | Tuberculosis of genitourinary system, unspecified |
A18.11 | Tuberculosis of kidney and ureter |
A18.12 | Tuberculosis of bladder |
A18.13 |
Tuberculosis of other urinary organs
Includes: Tuberculous urethritis |
A18.14 | Tuberculosis of prostate |
A18.15 | Tuberculosis of other male genital organs |
A18.16 | Tuberculosis of cervix |
A18.17 |
Tuberculous female pelvic inflammatory disease
Includes: Tuberculous endometritis Tuberculous oophoritis and salpingitis |
A18.18 |
Tuberculosis of other female genital organs
Includes: Tuberculous ulceration of vulva |
A18.2 |
Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy
Includes: Tuberculous adenitis Excludes 2: tuberculosis of bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes (A15.4) tuberculosis of mesenteric and retroperitoneal lymph nodes (A18.39) tuberculous tracheobronchial adenopathy (A15.4) |
A18.31 |
Tuberculous peritonitis
Includes: Tuberculous ascites |
A18.32 |
Tuberculous enteritis
Includes: Tuberculosis of anus and rectum Tuberculosis of intestine (large) (small) |
A18.39 |
Retroperitoneal tuberculosis
Includes: Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal (lymph glands) |
A18.4 |
Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Includes: Erythema induratum, tuberculous Lupus exedens Lupus vulgaris NOS Lupus vulgaris of eyelid Scrofuloderma Tuberculosis of external ear Excludes 2: lupus erythematosus (L93.-) systemic lupus erythematosus (M32.-) |
A18.50 | Tuberculosis of eye, unspecified |
A18.51 | Tuberculous episcleritis |
A18.52 |
Tuberculous keratitis
Includes: Tuberculous interstitial keratitis Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis (interstitial) (phlyctenular) |
A18.53 | Tuberculous chorioretinitis |
A18.54 | Tuberculous iridocyclitis |
A18.59 |
Other tuberculosis of eye
Includes: Tuberculous conjunctivitis |
A18.6 |
Tuberculosis of (inner) (middle) ear
Includes: Tuberculous otitis media Excludes 2: tuberculosis of external ear (A18.4) tuberculous mastoiditis (A18.03) |
A18.7 |
Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
Includes: Tuberculous Addison's disease |
A18.81 | Tuberculosis of thyroid gland |
A18.82 |
Tuberculosis of other endocrine glands
Includes: Tuberculosis of pituitary gland Tuberculosis of thymus gland |
A18.83 |
Tuberculosis of digestive tract organs, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 1: tuberculosis of intestine (A18.32) |
A18.84 |
Tuberculosis of heart
Includes: Tuberculous cardiomyopathy Tuberculous endocarditis Tuberculous myocarditis Tuberculous pericarditis |
A18.85 | Tuberculosis of spleen |
A18.89 |
Tuberculosis of other sites
Includes: Tuberculosis of muscle Tuberculous cerebral arteritis |
A19.0 | Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site |
A19.1 | Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites |
A19.2 | Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
A19.8 | Other miliary tuberculosis |
A19.9 | Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
A20.0 | Bubonic plague |
A20.1 | Cellulocutaneous plague |
A20.2 | Pneumonic plague |
A20.3 | Plague meningitis |
A20.7 | Septicemic plague |
A20.8 |
Other forms of plague
Includes: Abortive plague Asymptomatic plague Pestis minor |
A20.9 | Plague, unspecified |
A21.0 | Ulceroglandular tularemia |
A21.1 |
Oculoglandular tularemia
Includes: Ophthalmic tularemia |
A21.2 | Pulmonary tularemia |
A21.3 |
Gastrointestinal tularemia
Includes: Abdominal tularemia |
A21.7 | Generalized tularemia |
A21.8 | Other forms of tularemia |
A21.9 | Tularemia, unspecified |
A22.0 |
Cutaneous anthrax
Includes: Malignant carbuncle Malignant pustule |
A22.1 |
Pulmonary anthrax
Includes: Inhalation anthrax Ragpicker's disease Woolsorter's disease |
A22.2 | Gastrointestinal anthrax |
A22.7 | Anthrax sepsis |
A22.8 |
Other forms of anthrax
Includes: Anthrax meningitis |
A22.9 | Anthrax, unspecified |
A23.0 | Brucellosis due to Brucella melitensis |
A23.1 | Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus |
A23.2 | Brucellosis due to Brucella suis |
A23.3 | Brucellosis due to Brucella canis |
A23.8 | Other brucellosis |
A23.9 | Brucellosis, unspecified |
A24.0 |
Includes: Infection due to Pseudomonas mallei Malleus |
A24.1 |
Acute and fulminating melioidosis
Includes: Melioidosis pneumonia Melioidosis sepsis |
A24.2 | Subacute and chronic melioidosis |
A24.3 | Other melioidosis |
A24.9 |
Melioidosis, unspecified
Includes: Infection due to Pseudomonas pseudomallei NOS Whitmore's disease |
A25.0 |
Includes: Sodoku |
A25.1 |
Includes: Epidemic arthritic erythema Haverhill fever Streptobacillary rat-bite fever |
A25.9 | Rat-bite fever, unspecified |
A26.0 |
Cutaneous erysipeloid
Includes: Erythema migrans |
A26.7 | Erysipelothrix sepsis |
A26.8 | Other forms of erysipeloid |
A26.9 | Erysipeloid, unspecified |
A27.0 |
Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica
Includes: Leptospiral or spirochetal jaundice (hemorrhagic) Weil's disease |
A27.81 | Aseptic meningitis in leptospirosis |
A27.89 | Other forms of leptospirosis |
A27.9 | Leptospirosis, unspecified |
A28.0 | Pasteurellosis |
A28.1 |
Cat-scratch disease
Includes: Cat-scratch fever |
A28.2 |
Extraintestinal yersiniosis
Excludes 1: enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica (A04.6) plague (A20.-) |
A28.8 | Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A28.9 | Zoonotic bacterial disease, unspecified |
A30.0 |
Indeterminate leprosy
Includes: I leprosy |
A30.1 |
Tuberculoid leprosy
Includes: TT leprosy |
A30.2 |
Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
Includes: BT leprosy |
A30.3 |
Borderline leprosy
Includes: BB leprosy |
A30.4 |
Borderline lepromatous leprosy
Includes: BL leprosy |
A30.5 |
Lepromatous leprosy
Includes: LL leprosy |
A30.8 | Other forms of leprosy |
A30.9 | Leprosy, unspecified |
A31.0 |
Pulmonary mycobacterial infection
Includes: Infection due to Mycobacterium avium Infection due to Mycobacterium intracellulare [Battey bacillus] Infection due to Mycobacterium kansasii |
A31.1 |
Cutaneous mycobacterial infection
Includes: Buruli ulcer Infection due to Mycobacterium marinum Infection due to Mycobacterium ulcerans |
A31.2 |
Disseminated mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (DMAC)
Includes: MAC sepsis |
A31.8 | Other mycobacterial infections |
A31.9 |
Mycobacterial infection, unspecified
Includes: Atypical mycobacterial infection NOS Mycobacteriosis NOS |
A32.0 | Cutaneous listeriosis |
A32.11 | Listerial meningitis |
A32.12 | Listerial meningoencephalitis |
A32.7 | Listerial sepsis |
A32.81 | Oculoglandular listeriosis |
A32.82 | Listerial endocarditis |
A32.89 |
Other forms of listeriosis
Includes: Listerial cerebral arteritis |
A32.9 | Listeriosis, unspecified |
A33 | Tetanus neonatorum |
A34 | Obstetrical tetanus |
A35 |
Other tetanus
Includes: Tetanus NOS Excludes 1: obstetrical tetanus (A34) tetanus neonatorum (A33) |
A36.0 |
Pharyngeal diphtheria
Includes: Diphtheritic membranous angina Tonsillar diphtheria |
A36.1 | Nasopharyngeal diphtheria |
A36.2 |
Laryngeal diphtheria
Includes: Diphtheritic laryngotracheitis |
A36.3 |
Cutaneous diphtheria
Excludes 2: erythrasma (L08.1) |
A36.81 |
Diphtheritic cardiomyopathy
Includes: Diphtheritic myocarditis |
A36.82 | Diphtheritic radiculomyelitis |
A36.83 | Diphtheritic polyneuritis |
A36.84 | Diphtheritic tubulo-interstitial nephropathy |
A36.85 | Diphtheritic cystitis |
A36.86 | Diphtheritic conjunctivitis |
A36.89 |
Other diphtheritic complications
Includes: Diphtheritic peritonitis |
A36.9 | Diphtheria, unspecified |
A37.00 |
Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis without pneumonia
Includes: Paroxysmal cough due to Bordetella pertussis without pneumonia |
A37.01 |
Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis with pneumonia
Includes: Paroxysmal cough due to Bordetella pertussis with pneumonia |
A37.10 | Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis without pneumonia |
A37.11 | Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis with pneumonia |
A37.80 | Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species without pneumonia |
A37.81 | Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species with pneumonia |
A37.90 | Whooping cough, unspecified species without pneumonia |
A37.91 | Whooping cough, unspecified species with pneumonia |
A38.0 | Scarlet fever with otitis media |
A38.1 | Scarlet fever with myocarditis |
A38.8 | Scarlet fever with other complications |
A38.9 |
Scarlet fever, uncomplicated
Includes: Scarlet fever, NOS |
A39.0 | Meningococcal meningitis |
A39.1 |
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Includes: Meningococcal hemorrhagic adrenalitis Meningococcic adrenal syndrome |
A39.2 | Acute meningococcemia |
A39.3 | Chronic meningococcemia |
A39.4 | Meningococcemia, unspecified |
A39.50 | Meningococcal carditis, unspecified |
A39.51 | Meningococcal endocarditis |
A39.52 | Meningococcal myocarditis |
A39.53 | Meningococcal pericarditis |
A39.81 | Meningococcal encephalitis |
A39.82 | Meningococcal retrobulbar neuritis |
A39.83 | Meningococcal arthritis |
A39.84 | Postmeningococcal arthritis |
A39.89 |
Other meningococcal infections
Includes: Meningococcal conjunctivitis |
A39.9 |
Meningococcal infection, unspecified
Includes: Meningococcal disease NOS |
A40.0 | Sepsis due to streptococcus, group A |
A40.1 | Sepsis due to streptococcus, group B |
A40.3 |
Sepsis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
Includes: Pneumococcal sepsis |
A40.8 | Other streptococcal sepsis |
A40.9 | Streptococcal sepsis, unspecified |
A41.01 |
Sepsis due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
Includes: MSSA sepsis Staphylococcus aureus sepsis NOS |
A41.02 | Sepsis due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
A41.1 |
Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus
Includes: Coagulase negative staphylococcus sepsis |
A41.2 | Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus |
A41.3 | Sepsis due to Hemophilus influenzae |
A41.4 |
Sepsis due to anaerobes
Excludes 1: gas gangrene (A48.0) |
A41.50 |
Gram-negative sepsis, unspecified
Includes: Gram-negative sepsis NOS |
A41.51 | Sepsis due to Escherichia coli [E. coli] |
A41.52 |
Sepsis due to Pseudomonas
Includes: Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
A41.53 | Sepsis due to Serratia |
A41.59 | Other Gram-negative sepsis |
A41.81 | Sepsis due to Enterococcus |
A41.89 | Other specified sepsis |
A41.9 |
Sepsis, unspecified organism
Includes: Septicemia NOS |
A42.0 | Pulmonary actinomycosis |
A42.1 | Abdominal actinomycosis |
A42.2 | Cervicofacial actinomycosis |
A42.7 | Actinomycotic sepsis |
A42.81 | Actinomycotic meningitis |
A42.82 | Actinomycotic encephalitis |
A42.89 | Other forms of actinomycosis |
A42.9 | Actinomycosis, unspecified |
A43.0 | Pulmonary nocardiosis |
A43.1 | Cutaneous nocardiosis |
A43.8 | Other forms of nocardiosis |
A43.9 | Nocardiosis, unspecified |
A44.0 |
Systemic bartonellosis
Includes: Oroya fever |
A44.1 |
Cutaneous and mucocutaneous bartonellosis
Includes: Verruga peruana |
A44.8 | Other forms of bartonellosis |
A44.9 | Bartonellosis, unspecified |
A46 |
Excludes 1: postpartum or puerperal erysipelas (O86.89) |
A48.0 |
Gas gangrene
Includes: Clostridial cellulitis Clostridial myonecrosis |
A48.1 | Legionnaires' disease |
A48.2 | Nonpneumonic Legionnaires' disease [Pontiac fever] |
A48.3 |
Toxic shock syndrome
Excludes 1: endotoxic shock NOS (R57.8) sepsis NOS (A41.9) |
A48.4 |
Brazilian purpuric fever
Includes: Systemic Hemophilus aegyptius infection |
A48.51 | Infant botulism |
A48.52 |
Wound botulism
Includes: Non-foodborne botulism NOS |
A48.8 | Other specified bacterial diseases |
A49.01 |
Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus infection, unspecified site
Includes: Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection Staphylococcus aureus infection NOS |
A49.02 |
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, unspecified site
Includes: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection |
A49.1 | Streptococcal infection, unspecified site |
A49.2 | Hemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified site |
A49.3 | Mycoplasma infection, unspecified site |
A49.8 | Other bacterial infections of unspecified site |
A49.9 |
Bacterial infection, unspecified
Excludes 1: bacteremia NOS (R78.81) |
A50.01 | Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy |
A50.02 | Early congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy |
A50.03 |
Early congenital syphilitic pharyngitis
Includes: Early congenital syphilitic laryngitis |
A50.04 | Early congenital syphilitic pneumonia |
A50.05 | Early congenital syphilitic rhinitis |
A50.06 | Early cutaneous congenital syphilis |
A50.07 | Early mucocutaneous congenital syphilis |
A50.08 | Early visceral congenital syphilis |
A50.09 | Other early congenital syphilis, symptomatic |
A50.1 |
Early congenital syphilis, latent
Includes: Congenital syphilis without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, less than two years after birth. |
A50.2 |
Early congenital syphilis, unspecified
Includes: Congenital syphilis NOS less than two years after birth. |
A50.30 | Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy, unspecified |
A50.31 | Late congenital syphilitic interstitial keratitis |
A50.32 | Late congenital syphilitic chorioretinitis |
A50.39 | Other late congenital syphilitic oculopathy |
A50.40 |
Late congenital neurosyphilis, unspecified
Includes: Juvenile neurosyphilis NOS |
A50.41 | Late congenital syphilitic meningitis |
A50.42 | Late congenital syphilitic encephalitis |
A50.43 | Late congenital syphilitic polyneuropathy |
A50.44 | Late congenital syphilitic optic nerve atrophy |
A50.45 |
Juvenile general paresis
Includes: Dementia paralytica juvenilis Juvenile taboparetic neurosyphilis |
A50.49 |
Other late congenital neurosyphilis
Includes: Juvenile tabes dorsalis |
A50.51 | Clutton's joints |
A50.52 | Hutchinson's teeth |
A50.53 | Hutchinson's triad |
A50.54 | Late congenital cardiovascular syphilis |
A50.55 | Late congenital syphilitic arthropathy |
A50.56 | Late congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy |
A50.57 | Syphilitic saddle nose |
A50.59 | Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic |
A50.6 |
Late congenital syphilis, latent
Includes: Congenital syphilis without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, two years or more after birth. |
A50.7 |
Late congenital syphilis, unspecified
Includes: Congenital syphilis NOS two years or more after birth. |
A50.9 | Congenital syphilis, unspecified |
A51.0 |
Primary genital syphilis
Includes: Syphilitic chancre NOS |
A51.1 | Primary anal syphilis |
A51.2 | Primary syphilis of other sites |
A51.31 | Condyloma latum |
A51.32 | Syphilitic alopecia |
A51.39 |
Other secondary syphilis of skin
Includes: Syphilitic leukoderma Syphilitic mucous patch Excludes 1: late syphilitic leukoderma (A52.79) |
A51.41 | Secondary syphilitic meningitis |
A51.42 | Secondary syphilitic female pelvic disease |
A51.43 |
Secondary syphilitic oculopathy
Includes: Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis Secondary syphilitic iridocyclitis, iritis Secondary syphilitic uveitis |
A51.44 | Secondary syphilitic nephritis |
A51.45 | Secondary syphilitic hepatitis |
A51.46 | Secondary syphilitic osteopathy |
A51.49 |
Other secondary syphilitic conditions
Includes: Secondary syphilitic lymphadenopathy Secondary syphilitic myositis |
A51.5 |
Early syphilis, latent
Includes: Syphilis (acquired) without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, less than two years after infection. |
A51.9 | Early syphilis, unspecified |
A52.00 | Cardiovascular syphilis, unspecified |
A52.01 | Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta |
A52.02 | Syphilitic aortitis |
A52.03 |
Syphilitic endocarditis
Includes: Syphilitic aortic valve incompetence or stenosis Syphilitic mitral valve stenosis Syphilitic pulmonary valve regurgitation |
A52.04 | Syphilitic cerebral arteritis |
A52.05 |
Other cerebrovascular syphilis
Includes: Syphilitic cerebral aneurysm (ruptured) (non-ruptured) Syphilitic cerebral thrombosis |
A52.06 |
Other syphilitic heart involvement
Includes: Syphilitic coronary artery disease Syphilitic myocarditis Syphilitic pericarditis |
A52.09 | Other cardiovascular syphilis |
A52.10 | Symptomatic neurosyphilis, unspecified |
A52.11 |
Tabes dorsalis
Includes: Locomotor ataxia (progressive) Tabetic neurosyphilis |
A52.12 | Other cerebrospinal syphilis |
A52.13 | Late syphilitic meningitis |
A52.14 | Late syphilitic encephalitis |
A52.15 |
Late syphilitic neuropathy
Includes: Late syphilitic acoustic neuritis Late syphilitic optic (nerve) atrophy Late syphilitic polyneuropathy Late syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis |
A52.16 | Charcot's arthropathy (tabetic) |
A52.17 |
General paresis
Includes: Dementia paralytica |
A52.19 |
Other symptomatic neurosyphilis
Includes: Syphilitic parkinsonism |
A52.2 | Asymptomatic neurosyphilis |
A52.3 |
Neurosyphilis, unspecified
Includes: Gumma (syphilitic) Syphilis (late) Syphiloma |
A52.71 |
Late syphilitic oculopathy
Includes: Late syphilitic chorioretinitis Late syphilitic episcleritis |
A52.72 | Syphilis of lung and bronchus |
A52.73 | Symptomatic late syphilis of other respiratory organs |
A52.74 |
Syphilis of liver and other viscera
Includes: Late syphilitic peritonitis |
A52.75 |
Syphilis of kidney and ureter
Includes: Syphilitic glomerular disease |
A52.76 |
Other genitourinary symptomatic late syphilis
Includes: Late syphilitic female pelvic inflammatory disease |
A52.77 | Syphilis of bone and joint |
A52.78 |
Syphilis of other musculoskeletal tissue
Includes: Late syphilitic bursitis Syphilis [stage unspecified] of bursa Syphilis [stage unspecified] of muscle Syphilis [stage unspecified] of synovium Syphilis [stage unspecified] of tendon |
A52.79 |
Other symptomatic late syphilis
Includes: Late syphilitic leukoderma Syphilis of adrenal gland Syphilis of pituitary gland Syphilis of thyroid gland Syphilitic splenomegaly Excludes 1: syphilitic leukoderma (secondary) (A51.39) |
A52.8 |
Late syphilis, latent
Includes: Syphilis (acquired) without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, two years or more after infection |
A52.9 | Late syphilis, unspecified |
A53.0 |
Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late
Includes: Latent syphilis NOS Positive serological reaction for syphilis |
A53.9 |
Syphilis, unspecified
Includes: Infection due to Treponema pallidum NOS Syphilis (acquired) NOS Excludes 1: syphilis NOS under two years of age (A50.2) |
A54.00 | Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified |
A54.01 | Gonococcal cystitis and urethritis, unspecified |
A54.02 | Gonococcal vulvovaginitis, unspecified |
A54.03 | Gonococcal cervicitis, unspecified |
A54.09 | Other gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract |
A54.1 |
Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess
Includes: Gonococcal Bartholin's gland abscess |
A54.21 | Gonococcal infection of kidney and ureter |
A54.22 | Gonococcal prostatitis |
A54.23 |
Gonococcal infection of other male genital organs
Includes: Gonococcal epididymitis Gonococcal orchitis |
A54.24 |
Gonococcal female pelvic inflammatory disease
Includes: Gonococcal pelviperitonitis Excludes 1: gonococcal peritonitis (A54.85) |
A54.29 | Other gonococcal genitourinary infections |
A54.30 | Gonococcal infection of eye, unspecified |
A54.31 |
Gonococcal conjunctivitis
Includes: Ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococcus |
A54.32 | Gonococcal iridocyclitis |
A54.33 | Gonococcal keratitis |
A54.39 |
Other gonococcal eye infection
Includes: Gonococcal endophthalmia |
A54.40 | Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system, unspecified |
A54.41 | Gonococcal spondylopathy |
A54.42 |
Gonococcal arthritis
Excludes 2: gonococcal infection of spine (A54.41) |
A54.43 |
Gonococcal osteomyelitis
Excludes 2: gonococcal infection of spine (A54.41) |
A54.49 |
Gonococcal infection of other musculoskeletal tissue
Includes: Gonococcal bursitis Gonococcal myositis Gonococcal synovitis Gonococcal tenosynovitis |
A54.5 | Gonococcal pharyngitis |
A54.6 | Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum |
A54.81 | Gonococcal meningitis |
A54.82 | Gonococcal brain abscess |
A54.83 |
Gonococcal heart infection
Includes: Gonococcal endocarditis Gonococcal myocarditis Gonococcal pericarditis |
A54.84 | Gonococcal pneumonia |
A54.85 |
Gonococcal peritonitis
Excludes 1: gonococcal pelviperitonitis (A54.24) |
A54.86 | Gonococcal sepsis |
A54.89 |
Other gonococcal infections
Includes: Gonococcal keratoderma Gonococcal lymphadenitis |
A54.9 | Gonococcal infection, unspecified |
A55 |
Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum)
Includes: Climatic or tropical bubo Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease Esthiomene Lymphogranuloma inguinale |
A56.00 | Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified |
A56.01 | Chlamydial cystitis and urethritis |
A56.02 | Chlamydial vulvovaginitis |
A56.09 |
Other chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract
Includes: Chlamydial cervicitis |
A56.11 | Chlamydial female pelvic inflammatory disease |
A56.19 |
Other chlamydial genitourinary infection
Includes: Chlamydial epididymitis Chlamydial orchitis |
A56.2 | Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified |
A56.3 | Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum |
A56.4 | Chlamydial infection of pharynx |
A56.8 | Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites |
A57 |
Includes: Ulcus molle |
A58 |
Granuloma inguinale
Includes: Donovanosis |
A59.00 |
Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified
Includes: Fluor (vaginalis) due to Trichomonas Leukorrhea (vaginalis) due to Trichomonas |
A59.01 | Trichomonal vulvovaginitis |
A59.02 | Trichomonal prostatitis |
A59.03 | Trichomonal cystitis and urethritis |
A59.09 |
Other urogenital trichomoniasis
Includes: Trichomonas cervicitis |
A59.8 | Trichomoniasis of other sites |
A59.9 | Trichomoniasis, unspecified |
A60.00 | Herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecified |
A60.01 | Herpesviral infection of penis |
A60.02 | Herpesviral infection of other male genital organs |
A60.03 | Herpesviral cervicitis |
A60.04 |
Herpesviral vulvovaginitis
Includes: Herpesviral [herpes simplex] ulceration Herpesviral [herpes simplex] vaginitis Herpesviral [herpes simplex] vulvitis |
A60.09 | Herpesviral infection of other urogenital tract |
A60.1 | Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum |
A60.9 | Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified |
A63.0 |
Anogenital (venereal) warts
Includes: Anogenital warts due to (human) papillomavirus [HPV] Condyloma acuminatum |
A63.8 | Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases |
A64 | Unspecified sexually transmitted disease |
A65 |
Nonvenereal syphilis
Includes: Bejel Endemic syphilis Njovera |
A66.0 |
Initial lesions of yaws
Includes: Chancre of yaws Frambesia, initial or primary Initial frambesial ulcer Mother yaw |
A66.1 |
Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws
Includes: Frambesioma Pianoma Plantar or palmar papilloma of yaws |
A66.2 |
Other early skin lesions of yaws
Includes: Cutaneous yaws, less than five years after infection Early yaws (cutaneous)(macular)(maculopapular)(micropapular)(papular) Frambeside of early yaws |
A66.3 |
Hyperkeratosis of yaws
Includes: Ghoul hand Hyperkeratosis, palmar or plantar (early) (late) due to yaws Worm-eaten soles |
A66.4 |
Gummata and ulcers of yaws
Includes: Gummatous frambeside Nodular late yaws (ulcerated) |
A66.5 |
Includes: Rhinopharyngitis mutilans |
A66.6 |
Bone and joint lesions of yaws
Includes: Yaws ganglion Yaws goundou Yaws gumma, bone Yaws gummatous osteitis or periostitis Yaws hydrarthrosis Yaws osteitis Yaws periostitis (hypertrophic) |
A66.7 |
Other manifestations of yaws
Includes: Juxta-articular nodules of yaws Mucosal yaws |
A66.8 |
Latent yaws
Includes: Yaws without clinical manifestations, with positive serology |
A66.9 | Yaws, unspecified |
A67.0 |
Primary lesions of pinta
Includes: Chancre (primary) of pinta Papule (primary) of pinta |
A67.1 |
Intermediate lesions of pinta
Includes: Erythematous plaques of pinta Hyperchromic lesions of pinta Hyperkeratosis of pinta Pintids |
A67.2 |
Late lesions of pinta
Includes: Achromic skin lesions of pinta Cicatricial skin lesions of pinta Dyschromic skin lesions of pinta |
A67.3 |
Mixed lesions of pinta
Includes: Achromic with hyperchromic skin lesions of pinta [carate] |
A67.9 | Pinta, unspecified |
A68.0 |
Louse-borne relapsing fever
Includes: Relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis |
A68.1 |
Tick-borne relapsing fever
Includes: Relapsing fever due to any Borrelia species other than Borrelia recurrentis |
A68.9 | Relapsing fever, unspecified |
A69.0 |
Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
Includes: Cancrum oris Fusospirochetal gangrene Noma Stomatitis gangrenosa |
A69.1 |
Other Vincent's infections
Includes: Fusospirochetal pharyngitis Necrotizing ulcerative (acute) gingivitis Necrotizing ulcerative (acute) gingivostomatitis Spirochetal stomatitis Trench mouth Vincent's angina Vincent's gingivitis |
A69.20 | Lyme disease, unspecified |
A69.21 | Meningitis due to Lyme disease |
A69.22 |
Other neurologic disorders in Lyme disease
Includes: Cranial neuritis Meningoencephalitis Polyneuropathy |
A69.23 | Arthritis due to Lyme disease |
A69.29 |
Other conditions associated with Lyme disease
Includes: Myopericarditis due to Lyme disease |
A69.8 | Other specified spirochetal infections |
A69.9 | Spirochetal infection, unspecified |
A70 |
Chlamydia psittaci infections
Includes: Ornithosis Parrot fever Psittacosis |
A71.0 |
Initial stage of trachoma
Includes: Trachoma dubium |
A71.1 |
Active stage of trachoma
Includes: Granular conjunctivitis (trachomatous) Trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis Trachomatous pannus |
A71.9 | Trachoma, unspecified |
A74.0 |
Chlamydial conjunctivitis
Includes: Paratrachoma |
A74.81 | Chlamydial peritonitis |
A74.89 | Other chlamydial diseases |
A74.9 |
Chlamydial infection, unspecified
Includes: Chlamydiosis NOS |
A75.0 |
Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii
Includes: Classical typhus (fever) Epidemic (louse-borne) typhus |
A75.1 |
Recrudescent typhus [Brill's disease]
Includes: Brill-Zinsser disease |
A75.2 |
Typhus fever due to Rickettsia typhi
Includes: Murine (flea-borne) typhus |
A75.3 |
Typhus fever due to Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
Includes: Scrub (mite-borne) typhus Tsutsugamushi fever Typhus fever due to Orientia Tsutsugamushi (scrub typhus) |
A75.9 |
Typhus fever, unspecified
Includes: Typhus (fever) NOS |
A77.0 |
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia rickettsii
Includes: Rocky Mountain spotted fever Sao Paulo fever |
A77.1 |
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii
Includes: African tick typhus Boutonneuse fever India tick typhus Kenya tick typhus Marseilles fever Mediterranean tick fever |
A77.2 |
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia siberica
Includes: North Asian tick fever Siberian tick typhus |
A77.3 |
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis
Includes: Queensland tick typhus |
A77.40 | Ehrlichiosis, unspecified |
A77.41 | Ehrlichiosis chaffeensis [E. chaffeensis] |
A77.49 |
Other ehrlichiosis
Includes: Ehrlichiosis due to E. ewingii Ehrlichiosis due to E. muris euclairensis |
A77.8 |
Other spotted fevers
Includes: Rickettsia 364D/R. philipii (Pacific Coast tick fever) Spotted fever due to Rickettsia africae (African tick bite fever) Spotted fever due to Rickettsia parkeri |
A77.9 |
Spotted fever, unspecified
Includes: Tick-borne typhus NOS |
A78 |
Q fever
Includes: Infection due to Coxiella burnetii Nine Mile fever Quadrilateral fever |
A79.0 |
Trench fever
Includes: Quintan fever Wolhynian fever |
A79.1 |
Rickettsialpox due to Rickettsia akari
Includes: Kew Garden fever Vesicular rickettsiosis |
A79.81 |
Rickettsiosis due to Ehrlichia sennetsu
Includes: Rickettsiosis due to Neorickettsia sennetsu |
A79.89 | Other specified rickettsioses |
A79.9 |
Rickettsiosis, unspecified
Includes: Rickettsial infection NOS |
A80.0 | Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated |
A80.1 | Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported |
A80.2 | Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenous |
A80.30 | Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, unspecified |
A80.39 | Other acute paralytic poliomyelitis |
A80.4 | Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis |
A80.9 | Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified |
A81.00 |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, unspecified
Includes: Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, unspecified |
A81.01 |
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Includes: vCJD |
A81.09 |
Other Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Includes: CJD Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Subacute spongiform encephalopathy (with dementia) |
A81.1 |
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Includes: Dawson's inclusion body encephalitis Van Bogaert's sclerosing leukoencephalopathy |
A81.2 |
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Includes: Multifocal leukoencephalopathy NOS |
A81.81 | Kuru |
A81.82 |
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome
Includes: GSS syndrome |
A81.83 |
Fatal familial insomnia
Includes: FFI |
A81.89 | Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system |
A81.9 |
Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified
Includes: Prion diseases of the central nervous system NOS |
A82.0 | Sylvatic rabies |
A82.1 | Urban rabies |
A82.9 | Rabies, unspecified |
A83.0 | Japanese encephalitis |
A83.1 | Western equine encephalitis |
A83.2 | Eastern equine encephalitis |
A83.3 | St Louis encephalitis |
A83.4 |
Australian encephalitis
Includes: Kunjin virus disease |
A83.5 |
California encephalitis
Includes: California meningoencephalitis La Crosse encephalitis |
A83.6 | Rocio virus disease |
A83.8 | Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis |
A83.9 | Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified |
A84.0 | Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian spring-summer encephalitis] |
A84.1 | Central European tick-borne encephalitis |
A84.81 | Powassan virus disease |
A84.89 |
Other tick-borne viral encephalitis
Includes: Louping ill |
A84.9 | Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified |
A85.0 |
Enteroviral encephalitis
Includes: Enteroviral encephalomyelitis |
A85.1 |
Adenoviral encephalitis
Includes: Adenoviral meningoencephalitis |
A85.2 |
Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
Excludes 1: West nile virus with encephalitis (A92.31) |
A85.8 |
Other specified viral encephalitis
Includes: Encephalitis lethargica Von Economo-Cruchet disease |
A86 |
Unspecified viral encephalitis
Includes: Viral encephalomyelitis NOS Viral meningoencephalitis NOS |
A87.0 |
Enteroviral meningitis
Includes: Coxsackievirus meningitis Echovirus meningitis |
A87.1 | Adenoviral meningitis |
A87.2 |
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
Includes: Lymphocytic meningoencephalitis |
A87.8 | Other viral meningitis |
A87.9 | Viral meningitis, unspecified |
A88.0 | Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthem] |
A88.1 | Epidemic vertigo |
A88.8 | Other specified viral infections of central nervous system |
A89 | Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system |
A90 |
Dengue fever [classical dengue]
Excludes 1: dengue hemorrhagic fever (A91) |
A91 | Dengue hemorrhagic fever |
A92.0 |
Chikungunya virus disease
Includes: Chikungunya (hemorrhagic) fever |
A92.1 | O'nyong-nyong fever |
A92.2 |
Venezuelan equine fever
Includes: Venezuelan equine encephalitis Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus disease |
A92.30 |
West Nile virus infection, unspecified
Includes: West Nile fever NOS West Nile fever without complications West Nile virus NOS |
A92.31 |
West Nile virus infection with encephalitis
Includes: West Nile encephalitis West Nile encephalomyelitis |