Medical Billing Code Search
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75106 results found
A92.32 | West Nile virus infection with other neurologic manifestation |
A92.39 | West Nile virus infection with other complications |
A92.4 | Rift Valley fever |
A92.5 |
Zika virus disease
Includes: Zika virus fever Zika virus infection Zika NOS Excludes 1: congenital Zika virus disease (P35.4) |
A92.8 | Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers |
A92.9 | Mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecified |
A93.0 |
Oropouche virus disease
Includes: Oropouche fever |
A93.1 |
Sandfly fever
Includes: Pappataci fever Phlebotomus fever |
A93.2 | Colorado tick fever |
A93.8 |
Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers
Includes: Piry virus disease Vesicular stomatitis virus disease [Indiana fever] |
A94 |
Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever
Includes: Arboviral fever NOS Arbovirus infection NOS |
A95.0 |
Sylvatic yellow fever
Includes: Jungle yellow fever |
A95.1 | Urban yellow fever |
A95.9 | Yellow fever, unspecified |
A96.0 |
Junin hemorrhagic fever
Includes: Argentinian hemorrhagic fever |
A96.1 |
Machupo hemorrhagic fever
Includes: Bolivian hemorrhagic fever |
A96.2 | Lassa fever |
A96.8 | Other arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers |
A96.9 | Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever, unspecified |
A98.0 |
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever
Includes: Central Asian hemorrhagic fever |
A98.1 | Omsk hemorrhagic fever |
A98.2 | Kyasanur Forest disease |
A98.3 | Marburg virus disease |
A98.4 | Ebola virus disease |
A98.5 |
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Includes: Epidemic hemorrhagic fever Korean hemorrhagic fever Russian hemorrhagic fever Hantaan virus disease Hantavirus disease with renal manifestations Nephropathia epidemica Songo fever Excludes 1: hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome (B33.4) |
A98.8 | Other specified viral hemorrhagic fevers |
A99 | Unspecified viral hemorrhagic fever |
B00.0 |
Eczema herpeticum
Includes: Kaposi's varicelliform eruption |
B00.1 |
Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis
Includes: Herpes simplex facialis Herpes simplex labialis Herpes simplex otitis externa Vesicular dermatitis of ear Vesicular dermatitis of lip |
B00.2 |
Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis
Includes: Herpesviral pharyngitis |
B00.3 | Herpesviral meningitis |
B00.4 |
Herpesviral encephalitis
Includes: Herpesviral meningoencephalitis Simian B disease Excludes 1: herpesviral encephalitis due to herpesvirus 6 and 7 (B10.01, B10.09) non-simplex herpesviral encephalitis (B10.0-) |
B00.50 | Herpesviral ocular disease, unspecified |
B00.51 |
Herpesviral iridocyclitis
Includes: Herpesviral iritis Herpesviral uveitis, anterior |
B00.52 |
Herpesviral keratitis
Includes: Herpesviral keratoconjunctivitis |
B00.53 | Herpesviral conjunctivitis |
B00.59 |
Other herpesviral disease of eye
Includes: Herpesviral dermatitis of eyelid |
B00.7 |
Disseminated herpesviral disease
Includes: Herpesviral sepsis |
B00.81 | Herpesviral hepatitis |
B00.82 | Herpes simplex myelitis |
B00.89 |
Other herpesviral infection
Includes: Herpesviral whitlow |
B00.9 |
Herpesviral infection, unspecified
Includes: Herpes simplex infection NOS |
B01.0 | Varicella meningitis |
B01.11 |
Varicella encephalitis and encephalomyelitis
Includes: Postchickenpox encephalitis and encephalomyelitis |
B01.12 |
Varicella myelitis
Includes: Postchickenpox myelitis |
B01.2 | Varicella pneumonia |
B01.81 | Varicella keratitis |
B01.89 | Other varicella complications |
B01.9 |
Varicella without complication
Includes: Varicella NOS |
B02.0 |
Zoster encephalitis
Includes: Zoster meningoencephalitis |
B02.1 | Zoster meningitis |
B02.21 | Postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis |
B02.22 | Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
B02.23 | Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
B02.24 |
Postherpetic myelitis
Includes: Herpes zoster myelitis |
B02.29 |
Other postherpetic nervous system involvement
Includes: Postherpetic radiculopathy |
B02.30 | Zoster ocular disease, unspecified |
B02.31 | Zoster conjunctivitis |
B02.32 | Zoster iridocyclitis |
B02.33 |
Zoster keratitis
Includes: Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis |
B02.34 | Zoster scleritis |
B02.39 |
Other herpes zoster eye disease
Includes: Zoster blepharitis |
B02.7 | Disseminated zoster |
B02.8 |
Zoster with other complications
Includes: Herpes zoster otitis externa |
B02.9 |
Zoster without complications
Includes: Zoster NOS |
B03 | Smallpox |
B04 |
Includes: Mpox |
B05.0 |
Measles complicated by encephalitis
Includes: Postmeasles encephalitis |
B05.1 |
Measles complicated by meningitis
Includes: Postmeasles meningitis |
B05.2 |
Measles complicated by pneumonia
Includes: Postmeasles pneumonia |
B05.3 |
Measles complicated by otitis media
Includes: Postmeasles otitis media |
B05.4 | Measles with intestinal complications |
B05.81 | Measles keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
B05.89 | Other measles complications |
B05.9 |
Measles without complication
Includes: Measles NOS |
B06.00 | Rubella with neurological complication, unspecified |
B06.01 |
Rubella encephalitis
Includes: Rubella meningoencephalitis |
B06.02 | Rubella meningitis |
B06.09 | Other neurological complications of rubella |
B06.81 | Rubella pneumonia |
B06.82 | Rubella arthritis |
B06.89 | Other rubella complications |
B06.9 |
Rubella without complication
Includes: Rubella NOS |
B07.0 |
Plantar wart
Includes: Verruca plantaris |
B07.8 |
Other viral warts
Includes: Common wart Flat wart Verruca plana |
B07.9 | Viral wart, unspecified |
B08.010 | Cowpox |
B08.011 |
Vaccinia not from vaccine
Excludes 1: vaccinia (from vaccination) (generalized) (T88.1) |
B08.02 |
Orf virus disease
Includes: Contagious pustular dermatitis Ecthyma contagiosum |
B08.03 | Pseudocowpox [milker's node] |
B08.04 | Paravaccinia, unspecified |
B08.09 |
Other orthopoxvirus infections
Includes: Orthopoxvirus infection NOS |
B08.1 | Molluscum contagiosum |
B08.20 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease], unspecified
Includes: Roseola infantum, unspecified |
B08.21 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease] due to human herpesvirus 6
Includes: Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 6 |
B08.22 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease] due to human herpesvirus 7
Includes: Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 7 |
B08.3 | Erythema infectiosum [fifth disease] |
B08.4 |
Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem
Includes: Hand, foot and mouth disease |
B08.5 |
Enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis
Includes: Herpangina |
B08.60 | Parapoxvirus infection, unspecified |
B08.61 | Bovine stomatitis |
B08.62 | Sealpox |
B08.69 | Other parapoxvirus infections |
B08.70 | Yatapoxvirus infection, unspecified |
B08.71 | Tanapox virus disease |
B08.72 |
Yaba pox virus disease
Includes: Yaba monkey tumor disease |
B08.79 | Other yatapoxvirus infections |
B08.8 |
Other specified viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
Includes: Enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis Foot-and-mouth disease Poxvirus NEC |
B09 |
Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
Includes: Viral enanthema NOS Viral exanthema NOS |
B10.01 | Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis |
B10.09 |
Other human herpesvirus encephalitis
Includes: Human herpesvirus 7 encephalitis |
B10.81 | Human herpesvirus 6 infection |
B10.82 | Human herpesvirus 7 infection |
B10.89 |
Other human herpesvirus infection
Includes: Human herpesvirus 8 infection Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection |
B15.0 | Hepatitis A with hepatic coma |
B15.9 |
Hepatitis A without hepatic coma
Includes: Hepatitis A (acute)(viral) NOS |
B16.0 | Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent with hepatic coma |
B16.1 | Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent without hepatic coma |
B16.2 | Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma |
B16.9 |
Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent and without hepatic coma
Includes: Hepatitis B (acute) (viral) NOS |
B17.0 | Acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis B carrier |
B17.10 |
Acute hepatitis C without hepatic coma
Includes: Acute hepatitis C NOS |
B17.11 | Acute hepatitis C with hepatic coma |
B17.2 | Acute hepatitis E |
B17.8 |
Other specified acute viral hepatitis
Includes: Hepatitis non-A non-B (acute) (viral) NEC |
B17.9 |
Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified
Includes: Acute hepatitis NOS Acute infectious hepatitis NOS |
B18.0 | Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent |
B18.1 |
Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent
Includes: Carrier of viral hepatitis B Chronic (viral) hepatitis B |
B18.2 |
Chronic viral hepatitis C
Includes: Carrier of viral hepatitis C |
B18.8 |
Other chronic viral hepatitis
Includes: Carrier of other viral hepatitis |
B18.9 |
Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified
Includes: Carrier of unspecified viral hepatitis |
B19.0 | Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma |
B19.10 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma
Includes: Unspecified viral hepatitis B NOS |
B19.11 | Unspecified viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma |
B19.20 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis C without hepatic coma
Includes: Viral hepatitis C NOS |
B19.21 | Unspecified viral hepatitis C with hepatic coma |
B19.9 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma
Includes: Viral hepatitis NOS |
B20 |
Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
Excludes 1: asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status (Z21) exposure to HIV virus (Z20.6) inconclusive serologic evidence of HIV (R75) |
B25.0 | Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis |
B25.1 | Cytomegaloviral hepatitis |
B25.2 | Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
B25.8 |
Other cytomegaloviral diseases
Includes: Cytomegaloviral encephalitis |
B25.9 | Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified |
B26.0 | Mumps orchitis |
B26.1 | Mumps meningitis |
B26.2 | Mumps encephalitis |
B26.3 | Mumps pancreatitis |
B26.81 | Mumps hepatitis |
B26.82 | Mumps myocarditis |
B26.83 | Mumps nephritis |
B26.84 | Mumps polyneuropathy |
B26.85 | Mumps arthritis |
B26.89 | Other mumps complications |
B26.9 |
Mumps without complication
Includes: Mumps NOS Mumps parotitis NOS |
B27.00 | Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis without complication |
B27.01 | Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis with polyneuropathy |
B27.02 | Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis with meningitis |
B27.09 |
Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis with other complications
Includes: Hepatomegaly in gammaherpesviral mononucleosis |
B27.10 | Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis without complications |
B27.11 | Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis with polyneuropathy |
B27.12 | Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis with meningitis |
B27.19 |
Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis with other complication
Includes: Hepatomegaly in cytomegaloviral mononucleosis |
B27.80 | Other infectious mononucleosis without complication |
B27.81 | Other infectious mononucleosis with polyneuropathy |
B27.82 | Other infectious mononucleosis with meningitis |
B27.89 |
Other infectious mononucleosis with other complication
Includes: Hepatomegaly in other infectious mononucleosis |
B27.90 | Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified without complication |
B27.91 | Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified with polyneuropathy |
B27.92 | Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified with meningitis |
B27.99 |
Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified with other complication
Includes: Hepatomegaly in unspecified infectious mononucleosis |
B30.0 |
Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus
Includes: Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis Shipyard eye |
B30.1 |
Conjunctivitis due to adenovirus
Includes: Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis Swimming-pool conjunctivitis |
B30.2 | Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis |
B30.3 |
Acute epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enteroviral)
Includes: Conjunctivitis due to coxsackievirus 24 Conjunctivitis due to enterovirus 70 Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (acute)(epidemic) |
B30.8 |
Other viral conjunctivitis
Includes: Newcastle conjunctivitis |
B30.9 | Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified |
B33.0 |
Epidemic myalgia
Includes: Bornholm disease |
B33.1 |
Ross River disease
Includes: Epidemic polyarthritis and exanthema Ross River fever |
B33.20 | Viral carditis, unspecified |
B33.21 | Viral endocarditis |
B33.22 | Viral myocarditis |
B33.23 | Viral pericarditis |
B33.24 | Viral cardiomyopathy |
B33.3 |
Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified
Includes: Retrovirus infection NOS |
B33.4 |
Hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome [HPS] [HCPS]
Includes: Hantavirus disease with pulmonary manifestations Sin nombre virus disease Excludes 1: hantavirus disease with renal manifestations (A98.5) hemorrhagic fever with renal manifestations (A98.5) |
B33.8 |
Other specified viral diseases
Excludes 1: anogenital human papillomavirus infection (A63.0) viral warts due to human papillomavirus infection (B07) |
B34.0 | Adenovirus infection, unspecified |
B34.1 |
Enterovirus infection, unspecified
Includes: Coxsackievirus infection NOS Echovirus infection NOS |
B34.2 |
Coronavirus infection, unspecified
Excludes 1: COVID-19 (U07.1) pneumonia due to SARS-associated coronavirus (J12.81) |
B34.3 | Parvovirus infection, unspecified |
B34.4 | Papovavirus infection, unspecified |
B34.8 | Other viral infections of unspecified site |
B34.9 |
Viral infection, unspecified
Includes: Viremia NOS |
B35.0 |
Tinea barbae and tinea capitis
Includes: Beard ringworm Kerion Scalp ringworm Sycosis, mycotic |
B35.1 |
Tinea unguium
Includes: Dermatophytic onychia Dermatophytosis of nail Onychomycosis Ringworm of nails |
B35.2 |
Tinea manuum
Includes: Dermatophytosis of hand Hand ringworm |
B35.3 |
Tinea pedis
Includes: Athlete's foot Dermatophytosis of foot Foot ringworm |
B35.4 |
Tinea corporis
Includes: Ringworm of the body |
B35.5 |
Tinea imbricata
Includes: Tokelau |
B35.6 |
Tinea cruris
Includes: Dhobi itch Groin ringworm Jock itch |
B35.8 |
Other dermatophytoses
Includes: Disseminated dermatophytosis Granulomatous dermatophytosis |
B35.9 |
Dermatophytosis, unspecified
Includes: Ringworm NOS |
B36.0 |
Pityriasis versicolor
Includes: Tinea flava Tinea versicolor |
B36.1 |
Tinea nigra
Includes: Keratomycosis nigricans palmaris Microsporosis nigra Pityriasis nigra |
B36.2 |
White piedra
Includes: Tinea blanca |
B36.3 | Black piedra |
B36.8 | Other specified superficial mycoses |
B36.9 | Superficial mycosis, unspecified |
B37.0 |
Candidal stomatitis
Includes: Oral thrush |
B37.1 |
Pulmonary candidiasis
Includes: Candidal bronchitis Candidal pneumonia |
B37.2 |
Candidiasis of skin and nail
Includes: Candidal onychia Candidal paronychia Excludes 2: diaper dermatitis (L22) |
B37.3 |
Candidiasis of vulva and vagina
Includes: Candidal vulvovaginitis Monilial vulvovaginitis Vaginal thrush |
B37.41 | Candidal cystitis and urethritis |
B37.42 | Candidal balanitis |
B37.49 |
Other urogenital candidiasis
Includes: Candidal pyelonephritis |
B37.5 | Candidal meningitis |
B37.6 | Candidal endocarditis |
B37.7 |
Candidal sepsis
Includes: Disseminated candidiasis Systemic candidiasis |
B37.81 | Candidal esophagitis |
B37.82 |
Candidal enteritis
Includes: Candidal proctitis |
B37.83 | Candidal cheilitis |
B37.84 | Candidal otitis externa |
B37.89 |
Other sites of candidiasis
Includes: Candidal osteomyelitis |
B37.9 |
Candidiasis, unspecified
Includes: Thrush NOS |
B38.0 | Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
B38.1 | Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
B38.2 | Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B38.3 | Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis |
B38.4 | Coccidioidomycosis meningitis |
B38.7 |
Disseminated coccidioidomycosis
Includes: Generalized coccidioidomycosis |
B38.81 | Prostatic coccidioidomycosis |
B38.89 | Other forms of coccidioidomycosis |
B38.9 | Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B39.0 | Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.1 | Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.2 | Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
B39.3 |
Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati
Includes: Generalized histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.4 |
Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified
Includes: American histoplasmosis |
B39.5 |
Histoplasmosis duboisii
Includes: African histoplasmosis |
B39.9 | Histoplasmosis, unspecified |
B40.0 | Acute pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.1 | Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.2 | Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified |
B40.3 | Cutaneous blastomycosis |
B40.7 |
Disseminated blastomycosis
Includes: Generalized blastomycosis |
B40.81 |
Blastomycotic meningoencephalitis
Includes: Meningomyelitis due to blastomycosis |
B40.89 | Other forms of blastomycosis |
B40.9 | Blastomycosis, unspecified |
B41.0 | Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.7 |
Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis
Includes: Generalized paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.8 | Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.9 | Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B42.0 | Pulmonary sporotrichosis |
B42.1 | Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis |
B42.7 |
Disseminated sporotrichosis
Includes: Generalized sporotrichosis |
B42.81 |
Cerebral sporotrichosis
Includes: Meningitis due to sporotrichosis |
B42.82 | Sporotrichosis arthritis |
B42.89 | Other forms of sporotrichosis |
B42.9 | Sporotrichosis, unspecified |
B43.0 |
Cutaneous chromomycosis
Includes: Dermatitis verrucosa |
B43.1 |
Pheomycotic brain abscess
Includes: Cerebral chromomycosis |
B43.2 | Subcutaneous pheomycotic abscess and cyst |
B43.8 | Other forms of chromomycosis |
B43.9 | Chromomycosis, unspecified |
B44.0 | Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis |
B44.1 | Other pulmonary aspergillosis |
B44.2 | Tonsillar aspergillosis |
B44.7 |
Disseminated aspergillosis
Includes: Generalized aspergillosis |
B44.81 | Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis |
B44.89 | Other forms of aspergillosis |
B44.9 | Aspergillosis, unspecified |
B45.0 | Pulmonary cryptococcosis |
B45.1 |
Cerebral cryptococcosis
Includes: Cryptococcal meningitis Cryptococcosis meningocerebralis |
B45.2 | Cutaneous cryptococcosis |
B45.3 | Osseous cryptococcosis |
B45.7 |
Disseminated cryptococcosis
Includes: Generalized cryptococcosis |
B45.8 | Other forms of cryptococcosis |
B45.9 | Cryptococcosis, unspecified |
B46.0 | Pulmonary mucormycosis |
B46.1 | Rhinocerebral mucormycosis |
B46.2 | Gastrointestinal mucormycosis |
B46.3 |
Cutaneous mucormycosis
Includes: Subcutaneous mucormycosis |
B46.4 |
Disseminated mucormycosis
Includes: Generalized mucormycosis |
B46.5 | Mucormycosis, unspecified |
B46.8 |
Other zygomycoses
Includes: Entomophthoromycosis |
B46.9 |
Zygomycosis, unspecified
Includes: Phycomycosis NOS |
B47.0 |
Includes: Madura foot, mycotic Maduromycosis |
B47.1 | Actinomycetoma |
B47.9 |
Mycetoma, unspecified
Includes: Madura foot NOS |
B48.0 |
Includes: Keloidal blastomycosis Lobo's disease |
B48.1 | Rhinosporidiosis |
B48.2 |
Includes: Infection due to Pseudallescheria boydii Excludes 1: eumycetoma (B47.0) |
B48.3 |
Includes: Geotrichum stomatitis |
B48.4 |
Includes: Talaromycosis |
B48.8 |
Other specified mycoses
Includes: Adiaspiromycosis Infection of tissue and organs by Alternaria Infection of tissue and organs by Drechslera Infection of tissue and organs by Fusarium Infection of tissue and organs by saprophytic fungi NEC |
B49 |
Unspecified mycosis
Includes: Fungemia NOS |
B50.0 |
Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications
Includes: Cerebral malaria NOS |
B50.8 |
Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Includes: Severe or complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria NOS |
B50.9 | Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified |
B51.0 | Plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen |
B51.8 | Plasmodium vivax malaria with other complications |
B51.9 |
Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication
Includes: Plasmodium vivax malaria NOS |
B52.0 | Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy |
B52.8 | Plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications |
B52.9 |
Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication
Includes: Plasmodium malariae malaria NOS |
B53.0 |
Plasmodium ovale malaria
Excludes 1: Plasmodium ovale with Plasmodium falciparum (B50.-) Plasmodium ovale with Plasmodium malariae (B52.-) Plasmodium ovale with Plasmodium vivax (B51.-) |
B53.1 |
Malaria due to simian plasmodia
Excludes 1: Malaria due to simian plasmodia with Plasmodium falciparum (B50.-) Malaria due to simian plasmodia with Plasmodium malariae (B52.-) Malaria due to simian plasmodia with Plasmodium ovale (B53.0) Malaria due to simian plasmodia with Plasmodium vivax (B51.-) |
B53.8 | Other malaria, not elsewhere classified |
B54 | Unspecified malaria |
B55.0 |
Visceral leishmaniasis
Includes: Kala-azar Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis |
B55.1 | Cutaneous leishmaniasis |
B55.2 | Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis |
B55.9 | Leishmaniasis, unspecified |
B56.0 |
Gambiense trypanosomiasis
Includes: Infection due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense West African sleeping sickness |
B56.1 |
Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis
Includes: East African sleeping sickness Infection due to Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense |
B56.9 |
African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
Includes: Sleeping sickness NOS |
B57.0 |
Acute Chagas' disease with heart involvement
Includes: Acute Chagas' disease with myocarditis |
B57.1 |
Acute Chagas' disease without heart involvement
Includes: Acute Chagas' disease NOS |
B57.2 |
Chagas' disease (chronic) with heart involvement
Includes: American trypanosomiasis NOS Chagas' disease (chronic) NOS Chagas' disease (chronic) with myocarditis Trypanosomiasis NOS |
B57.30 | Chagas' disease with digestive system involvement, unspecified |
B57.31 | Megaesophagus in Chagas' disease |
B57.32 | Megacolon in Chagas' disease |
B57.39 | Other digestive system involvement in Chagas' disease |
B57.40 | Chagas' disease with nervous system involvement, unspecified |
B57.41 | Meningitis in Chagas' disease |
B57.42 | Meningoencephalitis in Chagas' disease |
B57.49 | Other nervous system involvement in Chagas' disease |
B57.5 | Chagas' disease (chronic) with other organ involvement |
B58.00 | Toxoplasma oculopathy, unspecified |
B58.01 | Toxoplasma chorioretinitis |
B58.09 |
Other toxoplasma oculopathy
Includes: Toxoplasma uveitis |
B58.1 | Toxoplasma hepatitis |
B58.2 | Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis |
B58.3 | Pulmonary toxoplasmosis |
B58.81 | Toxoplasma myocarditis |
B58.82 | Toxoplasma myositis |
B58.83 |
Toxoplasma tubulo-interstitial nephropathy
Includes: Toxoplasma pyelonephritis |
B58.89 | Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement |
B58.9 | Toxoplasmosis, unspecified |
B59 |
Includes: Pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia due to Pneumocystis jiroveci |
B60.00 |
Babesiosis, unspecified
Includes: Babesiosis due to unspecified Babesia species Piroplasmosis, unspecified |
B60.01 |
Babesiosis due to Babesia microti
Includes: Infection due to B. microti |
B60.02 |
Babesiosis due to Babesia duncani
Includes: Infection due to B. duncani and B. duncani-type species |
B60.03 |
Babesiosis due to Babesia divergens
Includes: Babesiosis due to Babesia MO-1 Infection due to B. divergens and B. divergens-like strains |
B60.09 |
Other babesiosis
Includes: Babesiosis due to Babesia KO-1 Babesiosis due to Babesia venatorum Infection due to other Babesia species Infection due to other protozoa of the order Piroplasmida Other piroplasmosis |
B60.10 | Acanthamebiasis, unspecified |
B60.11 | Meningoencephalitis due to Acanthamoeba (culbertsoni) |
B60.12 | Conjunctivitis due to Acanthamoeba |
B60.13 | Keratoconjunctivitis due to Acanthamoeba |
B60.19 | Other acanthamebic disease |
B60.2 |
Includes: Primary amebic meningoencephalitis |
B60.8 |
Other specified protozoal diseases
Includes: Microsporidiosis |
B64 | Unspecified protozoal disease |
B65.0 | Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma haematobium [urinary schistosomiasis] |
B65.1 | Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni [intestinal schistosomiasis] |
B65.2 |
Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma japonicum
Includes: Asiatic schistosomiasis |
B65.3 |
Cercarial dermatitis
Includes: Swimmer's itch |
B65.8 |
Other schistosomiasis
Includes: Infection due to Schistosoma intercalatum Infection due to Schistosoma mattheei Infection due to Schistosoma mekongi |
B65.9 | Schistosomiasis, unspecified |
B66.0 |
Includes: Infection due to cat liver fluke Infection due to Opisthorchis (felineus)(viverrini) |
B66.1 |
Includes: Chinese liver fluke disease Infection due to Clonorchis sinensis Oriental liver fluke disease |
B66.2 |
Includes: Infection due to Dicrocoelium dendriticum Lancet fluke infection |
B66.3 |
Includes: Infection due to Fasciola gigantica Infection due to Fasciola hepatica Infection due to Fasciola indica Sheep liver fluke disease |
B66.4 |
Includes: Infection due to Paragonimus species Lung fluke disease Pulmonary distomiasis |
B66.5 |
Includes: Infection due to Fasciolopsis buski Intestinal distomiasis |
B66.8 |
Other specified fluke infections
Includes: Echinostomiasis Heterophyiasis Metagonimiasis Nanophyetiasis Watsoniasis |
B66.9 | Fluke infection, unspecified |
B67.0 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver |
B67.1 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung |
B67.2 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone |
B67.31 | Echinococcus granulosus infection, thyroid gland |
B67.32 | Echinococcus granulosus infection, multiple sites |
B67.39 | Echinococcus granulosus infection, other sites |
B67.4 |
Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified
Includes: Dog tapeworm (infection) |
B67.5 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver |
B67.61 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection, multiple sites |
B67.69 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other sites |
B67.7 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified |
B67.8 | Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver |
B67.90 |
Echinococcosis, unspecified
Includes: Echinococcosis NOS |
B67.99 | Other echinococcosis |
B68.0 |
Taenia solium taeniasis
Includes: Pork tapeworm (infection) |
B68.1 |
Taenia saginata taeniasis
Includes: Beef tapeworm (infection) Infection due to adult tapeworm Taenia saginata |
B68.9 | Taeniasis, unspecified |
B69.0 | Cysticercosis of central nervous system |
B69.1 | Cysticercosis of eye |
B69.81 | Myositis in cysticercosis |
B69.89 | Cysticercosis of other sites |
B69.9 | Cysticercosis, unspecified |
B70.0 |
Includes: Diphyllobothrium (adult) (latum) (pacificum) infection Fish tapeworm (infection) Excludes 2: larval diphyllobothriasis (B70.1) |
B70.1 |
Includes: Infection due to Sparganum (mansoni) (proliferum) Infection due to Spirometra larva Larval diphyllobothriasis Spirometrosis |
B71.0 |
Includes: Dwarf tapeworm infection Rat tapeworm (infection) |
B71.1 | Dipylidiasis |
B71.8 |
Other specified cestode infections
Includes: Coenurosis |
B71.9 |
Cestode infection, unspecified
Includes: Tapeworm (infection) NOS |
B72 | Dracunculiasis |
B73.00 | Onchocerciasis with eye involvement, unspecified |
B73.01 | Onchocerciasis with endophthalmitis |
B73.02 | Onchocerciasis with glaucoma |
B73.09 |
Onchocerciasis with other eye involvement
Includes: Infestation of eyelid due to onchocerciasis |
B73.1 | Onchocerciasis without eye disease |
B74.0 |
Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti
Includes: Bancroftian elephantiasis Bancroftian filariasis |
B74.1 | Filariasis due to Brugia malayi |
B74.2 | Filariasis due to Brugia timori |
B74.3 |
Includes: Calabar swelling Eyeworm disease of Africa Loa loa infection |
B74.4 |
Includes: Infection due to Mansonella ozzardi Infection due to Mansonella perstans Infection due to Mansonella streptocerca |
B74.8 |
Other filariases
Includes: Dirofilariasis |
B74.9 | Filariasis, unspecified |
B75 | Trichinellosis |
B76.0 |
Includes: Infection due to Ancylostoma species |
B76.1 |
Includes: Infection due to Necator americanus |
B76.8 | Other hookworm diseases |
B76.9 |
Hookworm disease, unspecified
Includes: Cutaneous larva migrans NOS |
B77.0 | Ascariasis with intestinal complications |
B77.81 | Ascariasis pneumonia |
B77.89 | Ascariasis with other complications |
B77.9 | Ascariasis, unspecified |
B78.0 | Intestinal strongyloidiasis |
B78.1 | Cutaneous strongyloidiasis |
B78.7 | Disseminated strongyloidiasis |
B78.9 | Strongyloidiasis, unspecified |
B79 | Trichuriasis |
B80 | Enterobiasis |
B81.0 |
Includes: Infection due to Anisakis larva |
B81.1 |
Intestinal capillariasis
Includes: Capillariasis NOS Infection due to Capillaria philippinensis Excludes 2: hepatic capillariasis (B83.8) |
B81.2 | Trichostrongyliasis |
B81.3 |
Intestinal angiostrongyliasis
Includes: Angiostrongyliasis due to: Angiostrongylus costaricensis Parastrongylus costaricensis |
B81.4 |
Mixed intestinal helminthiases
Includes: Infection due to intestinal helminths classified to more than one of the categories B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8 Mixed helminthiasis NOS |
B81.8 |
Other specified intestinal helminthiases
Includes: Infection due to Oesophagostomum species [esophagostomiasis] Infection due to Ternidens diminutus [ternidensiasis] |
B82.0 | Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified |
B82.9 | Intestinal parasitism, unspecified |
B83.0 |
Visceral larva migrans
Includes: Toxocariasis |
B83.1 |
Includes: Wandering swelling |
B83.2 |
Angiostrongyliasis due to Parastrongylus cantonensis
Includes: Eosinophilic meningoencephalitis due to Parastrongylus cantonensis Excludes 2: intestinal angiostrongyliasis (B81.3) |
B83.3 |
Includes: Syngamosis |
B83.4 |
Internal hirudiniasis
Excludes 2: external hirudiniasis (B88.3) |
B83.8 |
Other specified helminthiases
Includes: Acanthocephaliasis Gongylonemiasis Hepatic capillariasis Metastrongyliasis Thelaziasis |
B83.9 |
Helminthiasis, unspecified
Includes: Worms NOS Excludes 1: intestinal helminthiasis NOS (B82.0) |
B85.0 |
Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus capitis
Includes: Head-louse infestation |
B85.1 |
Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus corporis
Includes: Body-louse infestation |
B85.2 | Pediculosis, unspecified |
B85.3 |
Includes: Infestation by crab-louse Infestation by Phthirus pubis |
B85.4 |
Mixed pediculosis and phthiriasis
Includes: Infestation classifiable to more than one of the categories B85.0-B85.3 |
B86 |
Includes: Sarcoptic itch |
B87.0 |
Cutaneous myiasis
Includes: Creeping myiasis |
B87.1 |
Wound myiasis
Includes: Traumatic myiasis |
B87.2 | Ocular myiasis |
B87.3 |
Nasopharyngeal myiasis
Includes: Laryngeal myiasis |
B87.4 | Aural myiasis |
B87.81 | Genitourinary myiasis |
B87.82 | Intestinal myiasis |
B87.89 | Myiasis of other sites |
B87.9 | Myiasis, unspecified |
B88.0 |
Other acariasis
Includes: Acarine dermatitis Dermatitis due to Demodex species Dermatitis due to Dermanyssus gallinae Dermatitis due to Liponyssoides sanguineus Trombiculosis Excludes 2: scabies (B86) |
B88.1 | Tungiasis [sandflea infestation] |
B88.2 |
Other arthropod infestations
Includes: Scarabiasis |
B88.3 |
External hirudiniasis
Includes: Leech infestation NOS Excludes 2: internal hirudiniasis (B83.4) |
B88.8 |
Other specified infestations
Includes: Ichthyoparasitism due to Vandellia cirrhosa Linguatulosis Porocephaliasis |
B88.9 |
Infestation, unspecified
Includes: Infestation (skin) NOS Infestation by mites NOS Skin parasites NOS |
B89 | Unspecified parasitic disease |
B90.0 | Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis |
B90.1 | Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis |
B90.2 | Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
B90.8 |
Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs
Excludes 2: sequelae of respiratory tuberculosis (B90.9) |
B90.9 |
Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis
Includes: Sequelae of tuberculosis NOS |
B91 |
Sequelae of poliomyelitis
Excludes 1: postpolio syndrome (G14) |
B92 | Sequelae of leprosy |
B94.0 | Sequelae of trachoma |
B94.1 | Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
B94.2 | Sequelae of viral hepatitis |
B94.8 | Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases |
B94.9 |
Sequelae of unspecified infectious and parasitic disease
Excludes 2: post COVID-19 condition (U09.9) |
B95.0 | Streptococcus, group A, as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.1 | Streptococcus, group B, as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.2 | Enterococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.3 | Streptococcus pneumoniae as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.4 | Other streptococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.5 | Unspecified streptococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.61 |
Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere Staphylococcus aureus infection NOS as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.62 |
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.7 | Other staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B95.8 | Unspecified staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.0 |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae [M. pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Pleuro-pneumonia-like-organism [PPLO] |
B96.1 | Klebsiella pneumoniae [K. pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.20 |
Unspecified Escherichia coli [E. coli] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Escherichia coli [E. coli] NOS |
B96.21 |
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E. coli] [STEC] O157 as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: E. coli O157:H- (nonmotile) with confirmation of Shiga toxin E. coli O157 with confirmation of Shiga toxin when H antigen is unknown, or is not H7 O157:H7 Escherichia coli [E.coli] with or without confirmation of Shiga toxin-production Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E.coli] O157:H7 with or without confirmation of Shiga toxin-production STEC O157:H7 with or without confirmation of Shiga toxin-production |
B96.22 |
Other specified Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E. coli] [STEC] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E.coli] Non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E.coli] with known O group |
B96.23 |
Unspecified Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E. coli] [STEC] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli [E. coli] with unspecified O group STEC NOS |
B96.29 |
Other Escherichia coli [E. coli] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere
Includes: Non-Shiga toxin-producing E. coli |
B96.3 | Hemophilus influenzae [H. influenzae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.4 | Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.5 | Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) (mallei) (pseudomallei) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.6 | Bacteroides fragilis [B. fragilis] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.7 | Clostridium perfringens [C. perfringens] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.81 | Helicobacter pylori [H. pylori] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.82 | Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B96.89 | Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B97.0 | Adenovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B97.10 | Unspecified enterovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
B97.11 | Coxsackievirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |