Medical Billing Code Search
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75106 results found
R35.8 |
Other polyuria
Includes: Polyuria NOS |
R36.0 | Urethral discharge without blood |
R36.1 | Hematospermia |
R36.9 |
Urethral discharge, unspecified
Includes: Penile discharge NOS Urethrorrhea |
R37 | Sexual dysfunction, unspecified |
R39.0 | Extravasation of urine |
R39.11 | Hesitancy of micturition |
R39.12 |
Poor urinary stream
Includes: Weak urinary steam |
R39.13 | Splitting of urinary stream |
R39.14 | Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying |
R39.15 |
Urgency of urination
Excludes 1: urge incontinence (N39.41, N39.46) |
R39.16 | Straining to void |
R39.191 | Need to immediately re-void |
R39.192 | Position dependent micturition |
R39.198 | Other difficulties with micturition |
R39.2 |
Extrarenal uremia
Includes: Prerenal uremia Excludes 1: uremia NOS (N19) |
R39.81 |
Functional urinary incontinence
Includes: Urinary incontinence due to cognitive impairment, or severe physical disability or immobility Excludes 1: stress incontinence and other specified urinary incontinence (N39.3-N39.4-) urinary incontinence NOS (R32) |
R39.82 | Chronic bladder pain |
R39.83 | Unilateral non-palpable testicle |
R39.84 | Bilateral non-palpable testicles |
R39.89 | Other symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system |
R39.9 | Unspecified symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system |
R40.0 |
Includes: Drowsiness Excludes 1: coma (R40.2-) |
R40.1 |
Includes: Catatonic stupor Semicoma Excludes 1: catatonic schizophrenia (F20.2) coma (R40.2-) depressive stupor (F31-F33) dissociative stupor (F44.2) manic stupor (F30.2) |
R40.20 |
Unspecified coma
Includes: Coma NOS Unconsciousness NOS |
R40.2110 | Coma scale, eyes open, never, unspecified time |
R40.2111 | Coma scale, eyes open, never, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2112 | Coma scale, eyes open, never, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2113 | Coma scale, eyes open, never, at hospital admission |
R40.2114 | Coma scale, eyes open, never, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2120 | Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, unspecified time |
R40.2121 | Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2122 | Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2123 | Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at hospital admission |
R40.2124 | Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2130 | Coma scale, eyes open, to sound, unspecified time |
R40.2131 | Coma scale, eyes open, to sound, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2132 | Coma scale, eyes open, to sound, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2133 | Coma scale, eyes open, to sound, at hospital admission |
R40.2134 | Coma scale, eyes open, to sound, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2140 | Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous, unspecified time |
R40.2141 | Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2142 | Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2143 | Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous, at hospital admission |
R40.2144 | Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2210 | Coma scale, best verbal response, none, unspecified time |
R40.2211 | Coma scale, best verbal response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2212 | Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2213 | Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at hospital admission |
R40.2214 | Coma scale, best verbal response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2220 | Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, unspecified time |
R40.2221 | Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2222 | Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2223 | Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at hospital admission |
R40.2224 | Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2230 | Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words, unspecified time |
R40.2231 | Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2232 | Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2233 | Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words, at hospital admission |
R40.2234 | Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2240 | Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation, unspecified time |
R40.2241 | Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2242 | Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2243 | Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation, at hospital admission |
R40.2244 | Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2250 | Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented, unspecified time |
R40.2251 | Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2252 | Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2253 | Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented, at hospital admission |
R40.2254 | Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2310 | Coma scale, best motor response, none, unspecified time |
R40.2311 | Coma scale, best motor response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2312 | Coma scale, best motor response, none, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2313 | Coma scale, best motor response, none, at hospital admission |
R40.2314 | Coma scale, best motor response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2320 | Coma scale, best motor response, extension, unspecified time |
R40.2321 | Coma scale, best motor response, extension, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2322 | Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2323 | Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at hospital admission |
R40.2324 | Coma scale, best motor response, extension, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2330 | Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal flexion, unspecified time |
R40.2331 | Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal flexion, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2332 | Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal flexion, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2333 | Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal flexion, at hospital admission |
R40.2334 | Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal flexion, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2340 | Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, unspecified time |
R40.2341 | Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2342 | Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2343 | Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at hospital admission |
R40.2344 | Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2350 | Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain, unspecified time |
R40.2351 | Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2352 | Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2353 | Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain, at hospital admission |
R40.2354 | Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2360 | Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands, unspecified time |
R40.2361 | Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2362 | Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2363 | Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands, at hospital admission |
R40.2364 | Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2410 | Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, unspecified time |
R40.2411 | Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2412 | Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2413 | Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at hospital admission |
R40.2414 | Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2420 | Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, unspecified time |
R40.2421 | Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2422 | Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2423 | Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at hospital admission |
R40.2424 | Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2430 | Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, unspecified time |
R40.2431 | Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2432 | Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2433 | Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at hospital admission |
R40.2434 | Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2440 | Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, unspecified time |
R40.2441 | Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2442 | Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2443 | Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at hospital admission |
R40.2444 | Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.3 | Persistent vegetative state |
R40.4 | Transient alteration of awareness |
R41.0 |
Disorientation, unspecified
Includes: Confusion NOS Delirium NOS Excludes 1: delirium due to known physiological condition (F05) |
R41.1 | Anterograde amnesia |
R41.2 | Retrograde amnesia |
R41.3 |
Other amnesia
Includes: Amnesia NOS Memory loss NOS Excludes 1: amnestic disorder due to known physiologic condition (F04) amnestic syndrome due to psychoactive substance use (F10-F19 with 5th character .6) mild memory disturbance due to known physiological condition (F06.8) transient global amnesia (G45.4) |
R41.4 |
Neurologic neglect syndrome
Includes: Asomatognosia Hemi-akinesia Hemi-inattention Hemispatial neglect Left-sided neglect Sensory neglect Visuospatial neglect Excludes 1: visuospatial deficit (R41.842) |
R41.81 |
Age-related cognitive decline
Includes: Senility NOS |
R41.82 |
Altered mental status, unspecified
Includes: Change in mental status NOS Excludes 1: altered level of consciousness (R40.-) altered mental status due to known condition - code to condition delirium NOS (R41.0) |
R41.83 |
Borderline intellectual functioning
Includes: IQ level 71 to 84 Excludes 1: intellectual disabilities (F70-F79) |
R41.840 |
Attention and concentration deficit
Excludes 1: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (F90.-) |
R41.841 | Cognitive communication deficit |
R41.842 | Visuospatial deficit |
R41.843 | Psychomotor deficit |
R41.844 | Frontal lobe and executive function deficit |
R41.89 | Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness |
R41.9 |
Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
Includes: Unspecified neurocognitive disorder |
R42 |
Dizziness and giddiness
Includes: Light-headedness Vertigo NOS Excludes 1: vertiginous syndromes (H81.-) vertigo from infrasound (T75.23) |
R43.0 | Anosmia |
R43.1 | Parosmia |
R43.2 | Parageusia |
R43.8 |
Other disturbances of smell and taste
Includes: Mixed disturbance of smell and taste |
R43.9 | Unspecified disturbances of smell and taste |
R44.0 | Auditory hallucinations |
R44.1 | Visual hallucinations |
R44.2 | Other hallucinations |
R44.3 | Hallucinations, unspecified |
R44.8 | Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions |
R44.9 | Unspecified symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions |
R45.0 |
Includes: Nervous tension |
R45.1 | Restlessness and agitation |
R45.2 | Unhappiness |
R45.3 |
Demoralization and apathy
Excludes 1: anhedonia (R45.84) |
R45.4 | Irritability and anger |
R45.5 | Hostility |
R45.6 | Violent behavior |
R45.7 | State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified |
R45.81 | Low self-esteem |
R45.82 | Worries |
R45.83 |
Excessive crying of child, adolescent or adult
Excludes 1: excessive crying of infant (baby) R68.11 |
R45.84 | Anhedonia |
R45.850 | Homicidal ideations |
R45.851 | Suicidal ideations |
R45.86 | Emotional lability |
R45.87 | Impulsiveness |
R45.89 |
Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state
Includes: Flat affect Loneliness |
R46.0 | Very low level of personal hygiene |
R46.1 | Bizarre personal appearance |
R46.2 | Strange and inexplicable behavior |
R46.3 | Overactivity |
R46.4 |
Slowness and poor responsiveness
Excludes 1: stupor (R40.1) |
R46.5 | Suspiciousness and marked evasiveness |
R46.6 | Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events |
R46.7 | Verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact |
R46.81 |
Obsessive-compulsive behavior
Excludes 1: obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42.-) |
R46.89 | Other symptoms and signs involving appearance and behavior |
R47.01 |
Excludes 1: aphasia following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -20) progressive isolated aphasia (G31.01) |
R47.02 |
Excludes 1: dysphasia following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -21) |
R47.1 |
Dysarthria and anarthria
Excludes 1: dysarthria following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -22) |
R47.81 | Slurred speech |
R47.82 |
Fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere
Includes: Stuttering in conditions classified elsewhere Excludes 1: adult onset fluency disorder (F98.5) childhood onset fluency disorder (F80.81) fluency disorder (stuttering) following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -23) |
R47.89 | Other speech disturbances |
R47.9 | Unspecified speech disturbances |
R48.0 | Dyslexia and alexia |
R48.1 |
Includes: Astereognosia (astereognosis) Autotopagnosia Excludes 1: visual object agnosia (R48.3) |
R48.2 |
Excludes 1: apraxia following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -90) |
R48.3 |
Visual agnosia
Includes: Prosopagnosia Simultanagnosia (asimultagnosia) |
R48.8 |
Other symbolic dysfunctions
Includes: Acalculia Agraphia |
R48.9 | Unspecified symbolic dysfunctions |
R49.0 |
Includes: Hoarseness |
R49.1 |
Includes: Loss of voice |
R49.21 | Hypernasality |
R49.22 | Hyponasality |
R49.8 | Other voice and resonance disorders |
R49.9 |
Unspecified voice and resonance disorder
Includes: Change in voice NOS Resonance disorder NOS |
R50.2 |
Drug induced fever
Excludes 1: postvaccination (postimmunization) fever (R50.83) |
R50.81 | Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere |
R50.82 |
Postprocedural fever
Excludes 1: postprocedural infection (T81.4-) posttransfusion fever (R50.84) postvaccination (postimmunization) fever (R50.83) |
R50.83 |
Postvaccination fever
Includes: Postimmunization fever |
R50.84 |
Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
Includes: FNHTR Posttransfusion fever |
R50.9 |
Fever, unspecified
Includes: Fever NOS Fever of unknown origin [FUO] Fever with chills Fever with rigors Hyperpyrexia NOS Persistent fever Pyrexia NOS |
R51.0 |
Headache with orthostatic component, not elsewhere classified
Includes: Headache with positional component, not elsewhere classified |
R51.9 |
Headache, unspecified
Includes: Facial pain NOS |
R52 |
Pain, unspecified
Includes: Acute pain NOS Generalized pain NOS Pain NOS Excludes 1: acute and chronic pain, not elsewhere classified (G89.-) localized pain, unspecified type - code to pain by site, such as: abdomen pain (R10.-) back pain (M54.9) breast pain (N64.4) chest pain (R07.1-R07.9) ear pain (H92.0-) eye pain (H57.1) headache (R51.9) joint pain (M25.5-) limb pain (M79.6-) lumbar region pain (M54.5-) pelvic and perineal pain (R10.2) shoulder pain (M25.51-) spine pain (M54.-) throat pain (R07.0) tongue pain (K14.6) tooth pain (K08.8) renal colic (N23) pain disorders exclusively related to psychological factors (F45.41) |
R53.0 | Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue |
R53.1 |
Includes: Asthenia NOS Excludes 1: age-related weakness (R54) muscle weakness (generalized) (M62.81) sarcopenia (M62.84) senile asthenia (R54) |
R53.2 |
Functional quadriplegia
Includes: Complete immobility due to severe physical disability or frailty Excludes 1: frailty NOS (R54) hysterical paralysis (F44.4) immobility syndrome (M62.3) neurologic quadriplegia (G82.5-) quadriplegia (G82.50) |
R53.81 |
Other malaise
Includes: Chronic debility Debility NOS General physical deterioration Malaise NOS Nervous debility Excludes 1: age-related physical debility (R54) |
R53.82 |
Chronic fatigue, unspecified
Excludes 1: chronic fatigue syndrome (G93.32) myalgic encephalomyelitis (G93.32) other post infection and related fatigue syndromes (G93.39) postviral fatigue syndrome (G93.31) |
R53.83 |
Other fatigue
Includes: Fatigue NOS Lack of energy Lethargy Tiredness Excludes 2: exhaustion and fatigue due to depressive episode (F32.-) |
R54 |
Age-related physical debility
Includes: Frailty Old age Senescence Senile asthenia Senile debility Excludes 1: age-related cognitive decline (R41.81) sarcopenia (M62.84) senile psychosis (F03.-) senility NOS (R41.81) |
R55 |
Syncope and collapse
Includes: Blackout Fainting Vasovagal attack Excludes 1: cardiogenic shock (R57.0) carotid sinus syncope (G90.01) heat syncope (T67.1) neurocirculatory asthenia (F45.8) neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (G90.3) orthostatic hypotension (I95.1) postprocedural shock (T81.1-) psychogenic syncope (F48.8) shock NOS (R57.9) shock complicating or following abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.3) shock complicating or following labor and delivery (O75.1) Stokes-Adams attack (I45.9) unconsciousness NOS (R40.2-) |
R56.00 |
Simple febrile convulsions
Includes: Febrile convulsion NOS Febrile seizure NOS |
R56.01 |
Complex febrile convulsions
Includes: Atypical febrile seizure Complex febrile seizure Complicated febrile seizure Excludes 1: status epilepticus (G40.901) |
R56.1 |
Post traumatic seizures
Excludes 1: post traumatic epilepsy (G40.-) |
R56.9 |
Unspecified convulsions
Includes: Convulsion disorder Fit NOS Recurrent convulsions Seizure(s) (convulsive) NOS |
R57.0 |
Cardiogenic shock
Excludes 2: septic shock (R65.21) |
R57.1 | Hypovolemic shock |
R57.8 | Other shock |
R57.9 |
Shock, unspecified
Includes: Failure of peripheral circulation NOS |
R58 |
Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
Includes: Hemorrhage NOS Excludes 1: hemorrhage included with underlying conditions, such as: acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage (K26.0) acute gastritis with bleeding (K29.01) ulcerative enterocolitis with rectal bleeding (K51.01) |
R59.0 | Localized enlarged lymph nodes |
R59.1 |
Generalized enlarged lymph nodes
Includes: Lymphadenopathy NOS |
R59.9 | Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified |
R60.0 | Localized edema |
R60.1 |
Generalized edema
Excludes 2: nutritional edema (E40-E46) |
R60.9 |
Edema, unspecified
Includes: Fluid retention NOS |
R61 |
Generalized hyperhidrosis
Includes: Excessive sweating Night sweats Secondary hyperhidrosis Excludes 1: focal (primary) (secondary) hyperhidrosis (L74.5-) Frey's syndrome (L74.52) localized (primary) (secondary) hyperhidrosis (L74.5-) |
R62.0 |
Delayed milestone in childhood
Includes: Delayed attainment of expected physiological developmental stage Late talker Late walker |
R62.50 |
Unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood
Includes: Infantilism NOS |
R62.51 |
Failure to thrive (child)
Includes: Failure to gain weight Excludes 1: failure to thrive in child under 28 days old (P92.6) |
R62.52 |
Short stature (child)
Includes: Lack of growth Physical retardation Short stature NOS Excludes 1: short stature due to endocrine disorder (E34.3-) |
R62.59 | Other lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood |
R62.7 | Adult failure to thrive |
R63.0 |
Includes: Loss of appetite Excludes 1: anorexia nervosa (F50.0-) loss of appetite of nonorganic origin (F50.89) |
R63.1 |
Includes: Excessive thirst |
R63.2 |
Includes: Excessive eating Hyperalimentation NOS |
R63.3 |
Feeding difficulties
Includes: Feeding problem (elderly) (infant) NOS Picky eater Excludes 1: eating disorders (F50.-) feeding problems of newborn (P92.-) infant feeding disorder of nonorganic origin (F98.2-) |
R63.4 | Abnormal weight loss |
R63.5 |
Abnormal weight gain
Excludes 1: excessive weight gain in pregnancy (O26.0-) obesity (E66.-) |
R63.6 |
Excludes 1: abnormal weight loss (R63.4) anorexia nervosa (F50.0-) malnutrition (E40-E46) |
R63.8 | Other symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
R64 |
Excludes 1: abnormal weight loss (R63.4) cachexia due to underlying condition (E88.A) nutritional marasmus (E41) |
R65.10 |
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin without acute organ dysfunction
Includes: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) NOS |
R65.11 | Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin with acute organ dysfunction |
R65.20 |
Severe sepsis without septic shock
Includes: Severe sepsis NOS |
R65.21 | Severe sepsis with septic shock |
R68.0 |
Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature
Excludes 1: hypothermia NOS (accidental) (T68) hypothermia due to anesthesia (T88.51) hypothermia due to low environmental temperature (T68) newborn hypothermia (P80.-) |
R68.11 |
Excessive crying of infant (baby)
Excludes 1: excessive crying of child, adolescent, or adult (R45.83) |
R68.12 |
Fussy infant (baby)
Includes: Irritable infant |
R68.13 |
Apparent life threatening event in infant (ALTE)
Includes: Apparent life threatening event in newborn Brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE) |
R68.19 | Other nonspecific symptoms peculiar to infancy |
R68.2 |
Dry mouth, unspecified
Excludes 1: dry mouth due to dehydration (E86.0) dry mouth due to Sjögren syndrome (M35.0-) Excludes 2: salivary gland hyposecretion (K11.7) |
R68.3 |
Clubbing of fingers
Includes: Clubbing of nails Excludes 1: congenital clubfinger (Q68.1) |
R68.81 | Early satiety |
R68.82 |
Decreased libido
Includes: Decreased sexual desire |
R68.83 |
Chills (without fever)
Includes: Chills NOS Excludes 1: chills with fever (R50.9) |
R68.84 |
Jaw pain
Includes: Mandibular pain Maxilla pain Excludes 1: temporomandibular joint arthralgia (M26.62-) |
R68.89 | Other general symptoms and signs |
R69 |
Illness, unspecified
Includes: Unknown and unspecified cases of morbidity |
R70.0 | Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
R70.1 | Abnormal plasma viscosity |
R71.0 |
Precipitous drop in hematocrit
Includes: Drop (precipitous) in hemoglobin Drop in hematocrit |
R71.8 |
Other abnormality of red blood cells
Includes: Abnormal red-cell morphology NOS Abnormal red-cell volume NOS Anisocytosis Poikilocytosis |
R73.01 |
Impaired fasting glucose
Includes: Elevated fasting glucose |
R73.02 |
Impaired glucose tolerance (oral)
Includes: Elevated glucose tolerance |
R73.03 |
Includes: Latent diabetes |
R73.09 |
Other abnormal glucose
Includes: Abnormal glucose NOS Abnormal non-fasting glucose tolerance |
R73.9 | Hyperglycemia, unspecified |
R74.01 |
Elevation of levels of liver transaminase levels
Includes: Elevation of levels of alanine transaminase (ALT) Elevation of levels of aspartate transaminase (AST) |
R74.02 | Elevation of levels of lactic acid dehydrogenase [LDH] |
R74.8 |
Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
Includes: Abnormal level of acid phosphatase Abnormal level of alkaline phosphatase Abnormal level of amylase Abnormal level of lipase [triacylglycerol lipase] |
R74.9 | Abnormal serum enzyme level, unspecified |
R75 |
Inconclusive laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]
Includes: Nonconclusive HIV-test finding in infants Excludes 1: asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status (Z21) human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease (B20) |
R76.0 |
Raised antibody titer
Excludes 1: isoimmunization in pregnancy (O36.0-O36.1) isoimmunization affecting newborn (P55.-) |
R76.11 |
Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin skin test without active tuberculosis
Includes: Abnormal result of Mantoux test PPD positive Tuberculin (skin test) positive Tuberculin (skin test) reactor Excludes 1: nonspecific reaction to cell mediated immunity measurement of gamma interferon antigen response without active tuberculosis (R76.12) |
R76.12 |
Nonspecific reaction to cell mediated immunity measurement of gamma interferon antigen response without active tuberculosis
Includes: Nonspecific reaction to QuantiFERON-TB test (QFT) without active tuberculosis Excludes 1: nonspecific reaction to tuberculin skin test without active tuberculosis (R76.11) positive tuberculin skin test (R76.11) |
R76.8 |
Other specified abnormal immunological findings in serum
Includes: Raised level of immunoglobulins NOS |
R76.9 | Abnormal immunological finding in serum, unspecified |
R77.0 | Abnormality of albumin |
R77.1 |
Abnormality of globulin
Includes: Hyperglobulinemia NOS |
R77.2 | Abnormality of alphafetoprotein |
R77.8 | Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins |
R77.9 | Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified |
R78.0 | Finding of alcohol in blood |
R78.1 | Finding of opiate drug in blood |
R78.2 | Finding of cocaine in blood |
R78.3 | Finding of hallucinogen in blood |
R78.4 | Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood |
R78.5 | Finding of other psychotropic drug in blood |
R78.6 | Finding of steroid agent in blood |
R78.71 |
Abnormal lead level in blood
Excludes 1: lead poisoning (T56.0-) |
R78.79 | Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood |
R78.81 |
Excludes 1: sepsis-code to specified infection |
R78.89 |
Finding of other specified substances, not normally found in blood
Includes: Finding of abnormal level of lithium in blood |
R78.9 | Finding of unspecified substance, not normally found in blood |
R79.0 |
Abnormal level of blood mineral
Includes: Abnormal blood level of cobalt Abnormal blood level of copper Abnormal blood level of iron Abnormal blood level of magnesium Abnormal blood level of mineral NEC Abnormal blood level of zinc Excludes 1: abnormal level of lithium (R78.89) disorders of mineral metabolism (E83.-) neonatal hypomagnesemia (P71.2) nutritional mineral deficiency (E58-E61) |
R79.1 |
Abnormal coagulation profile
Includes: Abnormal or prolonged bleeding time Abnormal or prolonged coagulation time Abnormal or prolonged partial thromboplastin time [PTT] Abnormal or prolonged prothrombin time [PT] Low von Willebrand factor Excludes 1: coagulation defects (D68.-) Excludes 2: abnormality of fluid, electrolyte or acid-base balance (E86-E87) |
R79.81 | Abnormal blood-gas level |
R79.82 | Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) |
R79.89 | Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry |
R79.9 | Abnormal finding of blood chemistry, unspecified |
R80.0 |
Isolated proteinuria
Includes: Idiopathic proteinuria Excludes 1: isolated proteinuria with specific morphological lesion (N06.-) |
R80.1 | Persistent proteinuria, unspecified |
R80.2 |
Orthostatic proteinuria, unspecified
Includes: Postural proteinuria |
R80.3 | Bence Jones proteinuria |
R80.8 | Other proteinuria |
R80.9 |
Proteinuria, unspecified
Includes: Albuminuria NOS |
R81 |
Excludes 1: renal glycosuria (E74.818) |
R82.0 |
Excludes 1: filarial chyluria (B74.-) |
R82.1 | Myoglobinuria |
R82.2 | Biliuria |
R82.3 |
Excludes 1: hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from external causes NEC (D59.6) hemoglobinuria due to paroxysmal nocturnal [Marchiafava-Micheli] (D59.5) |
R82.4 |
Includes: Ketonuria |
R82.5 |
Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances
Includes: Elevated urine levels of catecholamines Elevated urine levels of indoleacetic acid Elevated urine levels of 17-ketosteroids Elevated urine levels of steroids |
R82.6 |
Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
Includes: Abnormal urine level of heavy metals |
R82.71 | Bacteriuria |
R82.79 |
Other abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine
Includes: Positive culture findings of urine |
R82.81 |
Includes: Sterile pyuria |
R82.89 | Other abnormal findings on cytological and histological examination of urine |
R82.90 | Unspecified abnormal findings in urine |
R82.91 |
Other chromoabnormalities of urine
Includes: Chromoconversion (dipstick) Idiopathic dipstick converts positive for blood with no cellular forms in sediment Excludes 1: hemoglobinuria (R82.3) myoglobinuria (R82.1) |
R82.991 | Hypocitraturia |
R82.992 |
Excludes 1: Primary hyperoxaluria (E72.53) |
R82.993 | Hyperuricosuria |
R82.994 |
Includes: Idiopathic hypercalciuria |
R82.998 |
Other abnormal findings in urine
Includes: Cells and casts in urine Crystalluria Melanuria |
R83.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in cerebrospinal fluid
Includes: Positive culture findings in cerebrospinal fluid Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R83.6 | Abnormal cytological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.8 |
Other abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
R83.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in cerebrospinal fluid |
R84.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax
Includes: Positive culture findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R84.6 | Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.7 | Abnormal histological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.8 |
Other abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R84.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R85.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity
Includes: Positive culture findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R85.610 | Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance on cytologic smear of anus (ASC-US) |
R85.611 | Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of anus (ASC-H) |
R85.612 | Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of anus (LGSIL) |
R85.613 | High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of anus (HGSIL) |
R85.614 | Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of anus |
R85.615 |
Unsatisfactory cytologic smear of anus
Includes: Inadequate sample of cytologic smear of anus |
R85.616 | Satisfactory anal smear but lacking transformation zone |
R85.618 | Other abnormal cytological findings on specimens from anus |
R85.619 |
Unspecified abnormal cytological findings in specimens from anus
Includes: Abnormal anal cytology NOS Atypical glandular cells of anus NOS |
R85.69 | Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.7 | Abnormal histological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.81 |
Anal high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
Excludes 1: anogenital warts due to human papillomavirus (HPV) (A63.0) condyloma acuminatum (A63.0) |
R85.82 | Anal low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive |
R85.89 |
Other abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R85.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R86.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from male genital organs
Includes: Positive culture findings in specimens from male genital organs Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R86.6 | Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.7 | Abnormal histological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.8 |
Other abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from male genital organs |
R86.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from male genital organs |
R87.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from female genital organs
Includes: Positive culture findings in specimens from female genital organs Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R87.610 | Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance on cytologic smear of cervix (ASC-US) |
R87.611 | Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of cervix (ASC-H) |
R87.612 | Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of cervix (LGSIL) |
R87.613 | High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of cervix (HGSIL) |
R87.614 | Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of cervix |
R87.615 |
Unsatisfactory cytologic smear of cervix
Includes: Inadequate sample of cytologic smear of cervix |
R87.616 | Satisfactory cervical smear but lacking transformation zone |
R87.618 | Other abnormal cytological findings on specimens from cervix uteri |
R87.619 |
Unspecified abnormal cytological findings in specimens from cervix uteri
Includes: Abnormal cervical cytology NOS Abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix NOS Abnormal thin preparation smear of cervix NOS Atypical endocervial cells of cervix NOS Atypical endometrial cells of cervix NOS Atypical glandular cells of cervix NOS |
R87.620 | Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance on cytologic smear of vagina (ASC-US) |
R87.621 | Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of vagina (ASC-H) |
R87.622 | Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of vagina (LGSIL) |
R87.623 | High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of vagina (HGSIL) |
R87.624 | Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of vagina |
R87.625 |
Unsatisfactory cytologic smear of vagina
Includes: Inadequate sample of cytologic smear of vagina |
R87.628 | Other abnormal cytological findings on specimens from vagina |
R87.629 |
Unspecified abnormal cytological findings in specimens from vagina
Includes: Abnormal Papanicolaou smear of vagina NOS Abnormal thin preparation smear of vagina NOS Abnormal vaginal cytology NOS Atypical endocervical cells of vagina NOS Atypical endometrial cells of vagina NOS Atypical glandular cells of vagina NOS |
R87.69 |
Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other female genital organs
Includes: Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs NOS Excludes 1: dysplasia of vulva (histologically confirmed) (N90.0-N90.3) |
R87.7 |
Abnormal histological findings in specimens from female genital organs
Excludes 1: carcinoma in situ (histologically confirmed) of female genital organs (D06-D07.3) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I [CIN I] (N87.0) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II [CIN II] (N87.1) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III [CIN III] (D06.-) dysplasia (mild) (moderate) of cervix uteri (histologically confirmed) (N87.-) dysplasia (mild) (moderate) of vagina (histologically confirmed) (N89.-) vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia I [VAIN I] (N89.0) vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia II [VAIN II] (N89.1) vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia III [VAIN III] (D07.2) severe dysplasia of cervix uteri (histologically confirmed) (D06.-) severe dysplasia of vagina (histologically confirmed) (D07.2) |
R87.810 | Cervical high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive |
R87.811 | Vaginal high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive |
R87.820 | Cervical low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive |
R87.821 | Vaginal low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive |
R87.89 |
Other abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from female genital organs |
R87.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from female genital organs |
R88.0 | Cloudy (hemodialysis) (peritoneal) dialysis effluent |
R88.8 | Abnormal findings in other body fluids and substances |
R89.0 | Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.1 | Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.2 | Abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.3 | Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.4 | Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.5 |
Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
Includes: Positive culture findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues Excludes 1: colonization status (Z22.-) |
R89.6 | Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.7 | Abnormal histological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.8 |
Other abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
Includes: Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R89.9 | Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R90.0 | Intracranial space-occupying lesion found on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
R90.81 | Abnormal echoencephalogram |
R90.82 | White matter disease, unspecified |
R90.89 |
Other abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system
Includes: Other cerebrovascular abnormality found on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
R91.1 |
Solitary pulmonary nodule
Includes: Coin lesion lung Solitary pulmonary nodule, subsegmental branch of the bronchial tree |
R91.8 |
Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field
Includes: Lung mass NOS found on diagnostic imaging of lung Pulmonary infiltrate NOS Shadow, lung |
R92.0 |
Mammographic microcalcification found on diagnostic imaging of breast
Excludes 2: mammographic calcification (calculus) found on diagnostic imaging of breast (R92.1) |
R92.1 |
Mammographic calcification found on diagnostic imaging of breast
Includes: Mammographic calculus found on diagnostic imaging of breast |
R92.2 |
Inconclusive mammogram
Includes: Inconclusive mammogram NEC Inconclusive mammography NEC |
R92.8 | Other abnormal and inconclusive findings on diagnostic imaging of breast |
R93.0 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 1: intracranial space-occupying lesion found on diagnostic imaging (R90.0) |
R93.1 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of heart and coronary circulation
Includes: Abnormal echocardiogram NOS Abnormal heart shadow |
R93.2 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of liver and biliary tract
Includes: Nonvisualization of gallbladder |
R93.3 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract |
R93.41 |
Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder
Includes: Filling defect of bladder found on diagnostic imaging Filling defect of renal pelvis found on diagnostic imaging Filling defect of ureter found on diagnostic imaging |
R93.421 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of right kidney |
R93.422 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of left kidney |
R93.429 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of unspecified kidney |
R93.49 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of other urinary organs |
R93.5 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other abdominal regions, including retroperitoneum |
R93.6 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs
Excludes 2: abnormal finding in skin and subcutaneous tissue (R93.8-) |
R93.7 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system
Excludes 2: abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull (R93.0) |
R93.811 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of right testicle |
R93.812 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of left testicle |
R93.813 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of testicles, bilateral |
R93.819 | Abnormal radiologic findings on diagnostic imaging of unspecified testicle |
R93.89 |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures
Includes: Abnormal finding by radioisotope localization of placenta Abnormal radiological finding in skin and subcutaneous tissue Mediastinal shift |
R93.9 | Diagnostic imaging inconclusive due to excess body fat of patient |
R94.01 | Abnormal electroencephalogram [EEG] |
R94.02 | Abnormal brain scan |
R94.09 | Abnormal results of other function studies of central nervous system |
R94.110 | Abnormal electro-oculogram [EOG] |
R94.111 |
Abnormal electroretinogram [ERG]
Includes: Abnormal retinal function study |
R94.112 | Abnormal visually evoked potential [VEP] |
R94.113 | Abnormal oculomotor study |
R94.118 | Abnormal results of other function studies of eye |
R94.120 | Abnormal auditory function study |
R94.121 | Abnormal vestibular function study |
R94.128 | Abnormal results of other function studies of ear and other special senses |
R94.130 | Abnormal response to nerve stimulation, unspecified |
R94.131 |
Abnormal electromyogram [EMG]
Excludes 1: electromyogram of eye (R94.113) |
R94.138 | Abnormal results of other function studies of peripheral nervous system |
R94.2 |
Abnormal results of pulmonary function studies
Includes: Reduced ventilatory capacity Reduced vital capacity |
R94.30 | Abnormal result of cardiovascular function study, unspecified |
R94.31 |
Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG]
Excludes 1: long QT syndrome (I45.81) |
R94.39 |
Abnormal result of other cardiovascular function study
Includes: Abnormal electrophysiological intracardiac studies Abnormal phonocardiogram Abnormal vectorcardiogram |
R94.4 |
Abnormal results of kidney function studies
Includes: Abnormal renal function test |
R94.5 | Abnormal results of liver function studies |
R94.6 | Abnormal results of thyroid function studies |
R94.7 |
Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies
Excludes 2: abnormal glucose (R73.0-) |
R94.8 |
Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems
Includes: Abnormal basal metabolic rate [BMR] Abnormal bladder function test Abnormal splenic function test |
R97.0 | Elevated carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA] |
R97.1 | Elevated cancer antigen 125 [CA 125] |
R97.20 | Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA] |
R97.21 | Rising PSA following treatment for malignant neoplasm of prostate |
R97.8 | Other abnormal tumor markers |
R99 |
Ill-defined and unknown cause of mortality
Includes: Death (unexplained) NOS Unspecified cause of mortality |
S00.00XA | Unspecified superficial injury of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.00XD | Unspecified superficial injury of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.00XS | Unspecified superficial injury of scalp, sequela |
S00.01XA | Abrasion of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.01XD | Abrasion of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.01XS | Abrasion of scalp, sequela |
S00.02XA | Blister (nonthermal) of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.02XD | Blister (nonthermal) of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.02XS | Blister (nonthermal) of scalp, sequela |
S00.03XA | Contusion of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.03XD | Contusion of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.03XS | Contusion of scalp, sequela |
S00.04XA | External constriction of part of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.04XD | External constriction of part of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.04XS | External constriction of part of scalp, sequela |
S00.05XA | Superficial foreign body of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.05XD | Superficial foreign body of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.05XS | Superficial foreign body of scalp, sequela |
S00.06XA | Insect bite (nonvenomous) of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.06XD | Insect bite (nonvenomous) of scalp, subsequent encounter |
S00.06XS | Insect bite (nonvenomous) of scalp, sequela |
S00.07XA | Other superficial bite of scalp, initial encounter |
S00.07XD | Other superficial bite of scalp, subsequent encounter |